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The Real timschochet

The state of the Presidential race: Dead Heat

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7 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

When I wrote “this is how many conservatives perceive it” I was referring to what @Hardcore troubadour wrote, not my opinion which I added afterward. 


59 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Here’s how others see it, including me


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2 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

How is America not  first today?  What other country has Biden placed over America?

You're just repeating a catch phrase.

when the main reason you open up the border for 10 million illegals is for votes, that is not in the best interest of America.

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18 minutes ago, shadrap said:



Right. How others, not conservatives, see it,, including me. Sorry if you misunderstood. I doubt any conservatives see it the way I do. 

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45 minutes ago, shadrap said:

when the main reason you open up the border for 10 million illegals is for votes, that is not in the best interest of America.

Well that wasn't the reason, there have been less than 10m, and illegals can't vote 

Anything else?

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5 minutes ago, GutterBoy said:

Well that wasn't the reason, there have been less than 10m, and illegals can't vote 

Anything else?

Our NBA all stars only beat Sudan by one yesterday.  What more proof do you need for the damage Biden has done to our country and specifically the African American community.  

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34 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Our NBA all stars only beat Sudan by one yesterday.  What more proof do you need for the damage Biden has done to our country and specifically the African American community.  

The Mexicans are coming for those jobs.

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3 hours ago, TimHauck said:

Disagree.  If Obama could have run for a third term he likely wins.  Trump won because he said he was going to “drain the swamp” and people didn’t like “Crooked Hillary.”

Who do you think has been running the show for the last 4 years? 

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9 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Joe Biden. 



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27 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Joe Biden. 

And who's running the Country today? 

It's certainly not Biden 

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30 minutes ago, 5-Points said:

Who do you think has been running the show for the last 4 years? 

Not Obama, lol

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7 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

Not Obama, lol


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3 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

Harris is in a tough spot. Can’t be seen as backstabbing Biden. But on the other hand, when you blindly insist that everything is fine, obviously that hurts your credibility 


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There is a big aspect of globalization here, of course. The idea is to lift up other countries. People who see it as a zero sum game feel like that means America is “losing,” because when the poor countries improve their lot, that means the gap between them and America narrows.

I think it’s a really narrow-minded view, but that’s conservatism for you. In my opinion, a rising tide lifts all boats and when standards are improved around the globe that’s good for everybody. We don’t have to try to keep other countries down to build ourselves up.

Of course then there was outright racism and anyone denying that is full of sh1t. The Birther movement, with Trump as its champion, was probably the greatest racist movement we’ve seen since integration. Yeah that’s why the guy is a focking piece of sh1t.

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Back to the topic of the thread: Manchin called for Biden to drop out. Another big name

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2 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

There is a big aspect of globalization here, of course. The idea is to lift up other countries. People who see it as a zero sum game feel like that means America is “losing,” because when the poor countries improve their lot, that means the gap between them and America narrows.

I think it’s a really narrow-minded view, but that’s conservatism for you. In my opinion, a rising tide lifts all boats and when standards are improved around the globe that’s good for everybody. We don’t have to try to keep other countries down to build ourselves up.

Of course then there was outright racism and anyone denying that is full of sh1t. The Birther movement, with Trump as its champion, was probably the greatest racist movement we’ve seen since integration. Yeah that’s why the guy is a focking piece of sh1t.

It should be obvious to anyone that when economic conditions improve in poorer countries it creates markets for our goods. And when more people have spending power and trade increases everyone benefits. This isn’t rocket science. 

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3 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

It should be obvious to anyone that when economic conditions improve in poorer countries it creates markets for our goods. And when more people have spending power and trade increases everyone benefits. This isn’t rocket science. 

I agree, but like I said, when you see things as zero sum it’s hard to trust and have faith in that.

Which is exactly the division Trump seized on. He knows globalization is good and he isn’t gonna do anything to really change it. But he saw an opportunity to convince people that somehow America wasn’t being “put first” because other countries were being allowed to improve their lot.

It’s similar to global warming. Trump and all the republicans know we have to do something about it. But they can score political points by stoking anger and fears over it, so they do.

It’s bad faith but that’s been the Republican Party for quite a while now.

The Birther movement, though, that was something different. A bridge too far. As were 2016 and January 6

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15 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

There is a big aspect of globalization here, of course. The idea is to lift up other countries. People who see it as a zero sum game feel like that means America is “losing,” because when the poor countries improve their lot, that means the gap between them and America narrows.

I think it’s a really narrow-minded view, but that’s conservatism for you. In my opinion, a rising tide lifts all boats and when standards are improved around the globe that’s good for everybody. We don’t have to try to keep other countries down to build ourselves up.

Of course then there was outright racism and anyone denying that is full of sh1t. The Birther movement, with Trump as its champion, was probably the greatest racist movement we’ve seen since integration. Yeah that’s why the guy is a focking piece of sh1t.

He was just following Hilary's lead. :dunno:

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Yeah. Mexico has certainly been lifted up. And those slaves in the sweatshops in China must feel very uplifted.  Damn Worms, it’s like you don’t have a glove or a map of the world. 

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29 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Yeah. Mexico has certainly been lifted up. And those slaves in the sweatshops in China must feel very uplifted.  Damn Worms, it’s like you don’t have a glove or a map of the world. 

You’re just so foolish on this subject. But that’s no surprise because so many people believe the same garbage you do these days. 

Contradictory to your claims, Trump was catastrophic last time around when it came to preserving American jobs and will be even worse this time around. Here’s a good article explaining why though I doubt you’ll bother to read it: 


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58 minutes ago, 5-Points said:

He was just following Hilary's lead. :dunno:

Not true per a fact check.


Fact Check: Did Hillary Clinton start the birther movement?

I read that Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, both Republican presidential candidates, say that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement during her 1980 campaign for president. Is that true?

Cruz said in an interview on June 29 that "the whole birther thing was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008," and Trump said earlier this year that "Hillary Clinton wanted [Obama's] birth certificate. Hillary is a birther."

Birthers are those people who contend that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is ineligible to be president.

FactCheck.org looked into the matter and found that, indeed, some of Clinton's biggest supporters advocated the birther theory, but there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it.


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22 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

You’re just so foolish on this subject. But that’s no surprise because so many people believe the same garbage you do these days. 

Contradictory to your claims, Trump was catastrophic last time around when it came to preserving American jobs and will be even worse this time around. Here’s a good article explaining why though I doubt you’ll bother to read it: 


Ok. But you and others can stop with the uplifting other countries bullshitt. No virtue points. 

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13 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Ok. But you and others can stop with the uplifting other countries bullshitt. No virtue points. 

It’s not virtue you ‘tard. It’s that a stronger global economy is better for the United States 

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22 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

It’s not virtue you ‘tard. It’s that a stronger global economy is better for the United States 

Exactly right. It’s in our self-interest. 

Even so I’ve never been bothered by the accusation that I might try to be virtuous. Conservatives act like that’s some kind of slur, which says more about them than it does about me. 

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3 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Exactly right. It’s in our self-interest. 

Even so I’ve never been bothered by the accusation that I might try to be virtuous. Conservatives act like that’s some kind of slur, which says more about them than it does about me. 

Understandable. Can anyone ever remember Donald Trump being called virtuous or a man of virtue?

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

You’re just so foolish on this subject. But that’s no surprise because so many people believe the same garbage you do these days. 

Contradictory to your claims, Trump was catastrophic last time around when it came to preserving American jobs and will be even worse this time around. Here’s a good article explaining why though I doubt you’ll bother to read it: 


I wonder if Covid had anything to do with this? 

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1 hour ago, squistion said:

Not true per a fact check.


Fact Check: Did Hillary Clinton start the birther movement?

I read that Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, both Republican presidential candidates, say that Hillary Clinton started the birther movement during her 1980 campaign for president. Is that true?

Cruz said in an interview on June 29 that "the whole birther thing was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008," and Trump said earlier this year that "Hillary Clinton wanted [Obama's] birth certificate. Hillary is a birther."

Birthers are those people who contend that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is ineligible to be president.

FactCheck.org looked into the matter and found that, indeed, some of Clinton's biggest supporters advocated the birther theory, but there is no evidence that Clinton or her campaign had anything to do with it.


I heard her, I don't need your "fact check." 

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39 minutes ago, 5-Points said:

I heard her, I don't need your "fact check." 

That's weird.  Why don't you believe the far-left propaganda like Squidly does?  If the MSM told him the earth was flat he'd believe it, no questions asked.

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Just now, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

That's weird.  Why don't you believe the far-left propaganda like Squidly does?  If the MSM told him the earth was flat he'd believe it, no questions asked.

Anybody with a memory longer than that of a goldfish remembers Hilary asking about his birth certificate. 

Trump just picked up her ball and ran with it. 


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I wouldn't be surprised to see Harris' polling rise, possibly even overtaking Trump.  The imagined candidate always appears strong, then may get that initial boost.  The real test is going to come once the scrutiny comes and oppo research gets dumped.  I'd think you may see a rise, then a fall in polling.  I do think the D's have a better shot with Harris than Biden, but I think behind Biden of the realistic candidates she would have been the Trump campaign's next choice to run against.

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The democrats are going to fock up the chance of a lifetime and nominate Harris when they could win with Whitmer.  Harris is unlikable, did more damage to the black community than good AND she was part of what is now an obvious coverup over Bidens health. There is ZERO chance she can win. EVEN if she does the dems have to keep control of both houses or the republicans ABSOLUTLY will impeach her for what she knew in the biden admin. 

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17 minutes ago, kilroy69 said:

The democrats are going to fock up the chance of a lifetime and nominate Harris when they could win with Whitmer.  Harris is unlikable, did more damage to the black community than good AND she was part of what is now an obvious coverup over Bidens health. There is ZERO chance she can win. EVEN if she does the dems have to keep control of both houses or the republicans ABSOLUTLY will impeach her for what she knew in the biden admin. 

As they should.  In fact, we need to know what unelected officials have been making the decisions for the last 4 years.  We know it wasn't Biden.  THAT is the real coup.

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