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The Real timschochet

The state of the Presidential race: Trump announces no more debates

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5 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

No one believes you’re a success story. You can stop now. 

No one believes you were a cop either. You can stop now. 

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Kamala and the democrats are closer to being communist than Trump is to being a fascist. Way closer. 

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The latest Cook Political Report has North Carolina moving to a "Toss Up" from "Leans Republican." Barack Obama, the 1st time running, was the last Democrat to win that state. RCP has it at Trump +.9- well within the margin of error. I'm not going to assume she wins that state because it would be a fool's bet at this point.

If she does however, then you are looking at a map that expands a lot of possibilities for Kamala to win the Presidency-

- Win NC, and hold WI, MI, PA you win pretty comfortably by a pretty similar margin to 2020.

- Win NC, Hold Georgia, it allows you to lose one of the Rust Belt states and still win the Presidency- even losing Arizona and Nevada. (In some scenarios you could lose 2 Rust Belt states and carry the win

- Win NC, HOLD Georgia, keep Arizona and Nevada and it allows you to lose the Rust Belt states completely and still win the Presidency

- Not to mention the chaos scenarios where winning NC and the right combination of other wins and losses could lead to the 269-269 tie.

But in some scenarios winning NC could give you some wiggle room outs if one of the Rust Belt states falls away from you.



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People are not communists and fascists....that is a dumb scare tactic people use when they aren't serious about having a real conversation. 

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The American Mind (a publication of the very conservative Claremont Institute) had an interesting article about the view of this election.

It touches on the 5 main topics at play in this election which are: inflation, immigration, crime, abortion, and world affairs (it says 4 of 5 favor Trump. I'd say 1 clearly favors him, 1 does not, the other 3 vary depending on how you want to interpret data or view the scenarios). But with so much favoring Trump you'd think he would walk- but he is an historically disliked President. "exit polling from the 2022 midterms found that 28% of voters cast their House vote to “oppose” Trump, who was no longer even in office and wasn’t yet a declared presidential candidate. That opposition to Trump was enough to negate seven-eighths of the anti-Biden vote. Similarly, in polling conducted about a year ago, independent voters were asked, “Who are you hoping will NOT be nominated by either party for president?” Thirty-nine percent listed Trump as the person they most hoped wouldn’t be nominated, surpassing even the 37% who listed Biden."


So to them this becomes an issues-vs-intangibles election. How do voters view Harris- is she a next in line or new blood candidate? Over the past 30 years, next-in-line nominees—those who were the runner-up during their party’s previous open nomination process (one not featuring an incumbent president of that party) or else had served as vice president—have notched one win and five losses (a .167 winning percentage), winning an average of 41% of the electoral vote. Over that same span, new-blood candidates—George W. Bush in 2000, John Kerry in 2004, Barack Obama in 2008, and Donald Trump in 2016—have posted three wins and one loss (.750) and have won an average of 56% of the electoral vote. 

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I know Republicans are very concerned about the deficit since a Dem is in charge but this seems bad right?

“Donald Trump's campaign promises would send the national debt soaring much faster than Kamala Harris' would, per two new analyses from the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Both of them increase the deficit relative to the current baseline.

Keeping Trump's campaign promises would increase the national debt by $5.8 trillion over 10 years, while Harris' would cost $1.2 trillion.“

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7 minutes ago, thegeneral said:


I know Republicans are very concerned about the deficit since a Dem is in charge but this seems bad right?

“Donald Trump's campaign promises would send the national debt soaring much faster than Kamala Harris' would, per two new analyses from the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Both of them increase the deficit relative to the current baseline.

Keeping Trump's campaign promises would increase the national debt by $5.8 trillion over 10 years, while Harris' would cost $1.2 trillion.“

Axios?  Come on man.  

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2 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Axios?  Come on man.  

They didn’t do the study.

It was Penn Wharton. Isn’t that where Bozo went to school?

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4 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Axios?  Come on man.  

I mean the article is just the writer laying out what is in the Penn Wharton Budget Model. So it is just laying out facts and pretty devoid of opinion of any kind. 

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10 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

They didn’t do the study.

It was Penn Wharton. Isn’t that where Bozo went to school?

This is why you’re a moron.  Congrats. 

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9 minutes ago, Sean Mooney said:

I mean the article is just the writer laying out what is in the Penn Wharton Budget Model. So it is just laying out facts and pretty devoid of opinion of any kind. 

I guess it’s not a think tank.  It’s a research center that publishes its findings. Lol. 

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10 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

I guess it’s not a think tank.  It’s a research center that publishes its findings. Lol. 

What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about a "think tank"?

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13 hours ago, thegeneral said:

This was in the bill that Biden and Republicans in the Senate put together that bozo killed so he could run on it.


6 hours ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

Good for them. Our border security does not need to include money to Ukraine 

IIRC, it was the opposite:  it was mostly funding Ukraine, with some border money sprinkled in.

4 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

I so hope Trump makes this argument at the debate. Oh please do. 

Me too.  The people who care about the debates will understand what I just said, if Trump says similar.

I personally hate the way bills pass in Congress with all of the different pork, and when somebody objects, you get low-intelligence people saying "you hate border security$#@!".  Umm, no.

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16 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

In recent weeks Trump has proposed: 

1. A law forcing automobile insurance companies to lower their rates. 
2. A law that would give him, as President, the power to force the Fed to lower or raise interest rates at Trump’s discretion. 
3. Raising tariffs on 100% of all goods imported into this country at a rate of 20% and 60% on China. 

Yet we are told that Kamala is the marxist, Kamala is the one who wants to interfere with the free market. That has got to be one of the most hypocritical arguments of all time. 

Is this similar to how the Democrats say that Trump is anti-democracy (even though we're not a democracy - but that's another issue for another day), but then the Democrat party doesn't hold an election, they just appoint a Presidential candidate where no person voted for that person?

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42 minutes ago, thegeneral said:


I know Republicans are very concerned about the deficit since a Dem is in charge but this seems bad right?

“Donald Trump's campaign promises would send the national debt soaring much faster than Kamala Harris' would, per two new analyses from the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Both of them increase the deficit relative to the current baseline.

Keeping Trump's campaign promises would increase the national debt by $5.8 trillion over 10 years, while Harris' would cost $1.2 trillion.“

Well, Kamala hasn't stated much in terms of specifics.  So I would expect her number to be low at the moment, and perhaps until the election, if she has her way.  Joy!  But if she pushes for nationalized health care, Ima guess she'll blow past that $5.8T in the first few months.

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Speaking of joy, Chairman Mao was big on joy:


Mao Zedong said, “Battling with heaven is endless joy, fighting with the earth is endless joy, and struggling with humanity is endless joy.”


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16 hours ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Clownzo economic plan would add trillions to national deficit, ignite inflation and tax the crap out of middle class while giving tax breaks to his rich butt buddies.


Wait, that's what the Biden/Harris administration did and over the last 3.5 years, we were told that the economy was fine.  Why do you have a problem if Trump does the same thing?

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16 hours ago, TrailGuy said:

They're just repeating what they're told.  Low IQ non critical thinkers.


16 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Then you’re just ignorant. Educate yourself. 

Oh the irony of these two posts.  🤣

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Hitler and the Nazis had an entire movement around joy.


NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (German for 'Strength Through Joy'; KdF) was a German NSDAP-operated leisure organization in Nazi Germany.[1] It was part of the German Labour Front (German: Deutsche Arbeitsfront), the national labour organization at that time.

Set up in November 1933 as a tool to promote the advantages of Nazism to the German people and internationally, it was also used to ease the process of the rearmament of Germany. Through its structure of organized events and promotion of propaganda, it was also intended to prevent dissident and anti-state behavior. By 1939, it had become the world's largest tourism operator.[2]


Can't you just feel the joy?  Can't you?  CAN'T YOU$#@!?

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4 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

I so hope Trump makes this argument at the debate. Oh please do. 

If Trump goes out in the debate and says that, and adds that instead of spending that money in Ukraine, it should be spent here to help the lower and middle class people... you think that's a losing argument?

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15 hours ago, Gepetto said:

The government of the U.S, already controls the courts, air travel, and mail. They regulate Education, Money, Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Vaccines. Don't think other businesses can't be or won't be controlled by the US Govt.

Another one: 

Technology Transitions Rule: Out with the Old, In with the New. The EPA rolled out the finalized Technology Transitions Rule, that went into effect December 26, 2023. This rule has its sights on slashing the global warming potential (GWP) of refrigerants used in air conditioning and refrigeration gear. 

https://fieldedge.com/blog/rules-for-hfc-refrigerant-management-and-technology-transitions/#:~:text=Technology Transitions Rule%3A Out with,air conditioning and refrigeration gear.

Everyone will have to replace their HVAC (because of refrigerant mandate for Air Conditioning Systems) in their Homes eventually with the new system based on this new EPA (U.S. Govt.) regulation.


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42 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

This is why you’re a moron.  Congrats. 

You are probably the dullest, biggest dipshit I interact with. Such a sad sack victim 24/7. 

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26 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

Well, Kamala hasn't stated much in terms of specifics.  So I would expect her number to be low at the moment, and perhaps until the election, if she has her way.  Joy!  But if she pushes for nationalized health care, Ima guess she'll blow past that $5.8T in the first few months.

Just going by track records Trump is not good on this. It’s only important now that Biden is Prez but Trump blew the deficit up and that was before Covid.

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4 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

You are probably the dullest, biggest dipshit I interact with. Such a sad sack victim 24/7. 

No one thinks I’m dull. Nice try. I love you clowns repeating the things I say about you back at me. Unoriginal and dim

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31 minutes ago, jerryskids said:


IIRC, it was the opposite:  it was mostly funding Ukraine, with some border money sprinkled in.

Me too.  The people who care about the debates will understand what I just said, if Trump says similar.

I personally hate the way bills pass in Congress with all of the different pork, and when somebody objects, you get low-intelligence people saying "you hate border security$#@!".  Umm, no.

This is how I recall it.

Trump wanted it dead and it got killed. You don’t get all that you want. You have to compromise. There were many issues in this, the wall funding for one, that were not Dem issues. 

This is why Trump can’t get shet done. He either is bad at it or he just likes to be aggrieved.

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13 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

Another one: 

Technology Transitions Rule: Out with the Old, In with the New. The EPA rolled out the finalized Technology Transitions Rule, that went into effect December 26, 2023. This rule has its sights on slashing the global warming potential (GWP) of refrigerants used in air conditioning and refrigeration gear. 

https://fieldedge.com/blog/rules-for-hfc-refrigerant-management-and-technology-transitions/#:~:text=Technology Transitions Rule%3A Out with,air conditioning and refrigeration gear.

Everyone will have to replace their HVAC (because of refrigerant mandate for Air Conditioning Systems) in their Homes eventually with the new system based on this new EPA (U.S. Govt.) regulation.


Creating guidelines to preserve public safety is not equivalent to government "controlling" companies. 

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Just now, Hardcore troubadour said:

No one thinks I’m dull. Nice try. I love you clowns repeating the things I say about you back at me. Unoriginal and dim

You are extremely dull, sorry to break it to you.

I could write half your dumbass posts that you put on here like an old man yelling at the clouds.

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2 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

No one thinks I’m dull. Nice try. I love you clowns repeating the things I say about you back at me. Unoriginal and dim


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7 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Creating guidelines to preserve public safety is not equivalent to government "controlling" companies. 

Actually the new refrigerant is flammable to a minor degree. Should the new system stop, the blower is supposed to go full speed to evacuate the flammable refrigerant out of the house. What if the blower motor goes out? 

It's not about safety. It's about creating supposed less harm to the environment. Read up.

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Just now, Gepetto said:

Actually the new refrigerant is flammable to a minor degree. Should the new system stop, the blower is supposed to go full speed to evacuate the flammable refrigerant out of the house. What if the blower motor goes out? 

It's not about safety. It's about creating supposed less harm to the environment. Read up.

Less harm to the environment is not a safety issue?

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2 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Less harm to the environment is not a safety issue?

No. But you define it how you like so you can think you're right. whatever

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6 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

This is how I recall it.

Trump wanted it dead and it got killed. You don’t get all that you want. You have to compromise. There were many issues in this, the wall funding for one, that were not Dem issues. 

This is why Trump can’t get shet done. He either is bad at it or he just likes to be aggrieved.

From your link:


Senate negotiators allocated just under $20 billion of that to purchase new weapons and equipment to refill U.S. military inventories depleted by the push to arm Ukraine. Another $13.8 billion is earmarked for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, a program in which the Pentagon buys new weapons for the Ukrainian military directly from U.S. defense contractors. Lawmakers also allocated $14.8 billion for heightened military presence in Europe as well as training and intelligence sharing with Ukraine.

So, almost 1/2 of the $60B would have gone directly to Ukraine and our heightened presence/training there.  And most of the rest was to restock weapons and equipment we already gave to Ukraine, apparently without funding in place to replenish it.

And $20.3B to border security.


Look, I'm not a big anti-Ukraine person -- I've barely if at all commented on it.  But it is disingenuous to call it primarily a border security bill.

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2 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

Actually the new refrigerant is flammable to a minor degree. Should the new system stop, the blower is supposed to go full speed to evacuate the flammable refrigerant out of the house. What if the blower motor goes out? 

It's not about safety. It's about creating supposed less harm to the environment. Read up.

Whenever this shet goes up the companies and the public always come to the government to clean up, bail out, sort out all the mess. The top people in these industries bail themselves out, fock over everyone else then complain about the government!

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15 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

This is how I recall it.

Trump wanted it dead and it got killed. You don’t get all that you want. You have to compromise. There were many issues in this, the wall funding for one, that were not Dem issues. 

This is why Trump can’t get shet done. He either is bad at it or he just likes to be aggrieved.

Wait, haven't Democrats been telling us since 2015 that the GOP hates Trump and wants him out?  If so, why are they listening to him?

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41 minutes ago, Fnord said:

What do you have against joy, party pooper?

I'm merely pointing out that the manufactured, forced joy we are getting with Kamala is reminiscent of some past attempts to convince people that they are happy, dammit! :dunno: 

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3 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

No. But you define it how you like so you can think you're right. whatever

Luckily, you aren't doing the same. Thanks for the education...

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Just now, jerryskids said:

From your link:

So, almost 1/2 of the $60B would have gone directly to Ukraine and our heightened presence/training there.  And most of the rest was to restock weapons and equipment we already gave to Ukraine, apparently without funding in place to replenish it.

And $20.3B to border security.


Look, I'm not a big anti-Ukraine person -- I've barely if at all commented on it.  But it is disingenuous to call it primarily a border security bill.

This had the elements in there to make big steps in what Republicans wanted at the cost of what would be used as political fodder against the Dems - as we are seeing now.

There needs to be compromise to allow both sides to have something.

I don’t want to make it sound like the Dems won’t play political games, like putting bills up to only have them voted down to have talking points but this one was co-sponsored by a very conservative Republican and was looking like it had momentum but was then torpedoed.

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2 minutes ago, TBayXXXVII said:

Wait, haven't Democrats been telling us since 2015 that the GOP hates Trump and wants him out?  If so, why are they listening to him?

Trump has a hammer lock on a significant portion of the GOP base. It’s seemingly unshakable. That is very powerful.

Its not really great for general elections necessarily and many of his candidates have also been bad copies of him that have fallen on their faces but it’s still a big hammer he has.

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20 minutes ago, Fnord said:


⬆️ not dull.  Funny.  

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