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The Real timschochet

The state of the Presidential race: Kamala slightly ahead in North Carolina

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So we got a dead heat it seems. Who wants a little action? I’ll take Kamala versus Tub of Shet for a hundy. 

Who wants some!

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1 hour ago, Strike said:

Just getting back to this thread.  you seem to have minimal understanding of proposition 13.  It doesn't keep taxes low.  When you buy the house you are taxed at the prevailing rate at that time.  Prop 13 limits how much it can increase after that.  if you can't afford the property taxes at the time you purchase it you can't afford the house.

No I understand it great. You didn’t contradict what I wrote. It allows people who already own the house to keep their taxes low. That allows for further investment. (What is basically allowed for was for older parents to give money to their adult kids to be able to afford down payments on new housing. And it allowed people looking to upgrade to better housing the money to do so.) 

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9 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Here's the CNN link:


So the article asserts that doing nothing is the best thing to do, even though MAGAturds blame the executive branch for the high prices and whine that it isn't doing enough to counter them, but then Harris proposes something, and they pivot to slim grocery profit margits and then bring up CNN - which they previously refused to accept as a valid news source and lump it into their weird MSM bucket - as a valid information source.


For fock's sake pick something and stick to it.

Y'all like a flock of birds that can't decide which direction to go.


Hint: When far left news sources report bad news about the left - trust that. And vise versa.  How do you even navigate yourself through information? I guess we know why you flopped out of the news business.  

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2 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

Who said they weren't making money?   Holy fok there are a lot of idiots in here.  :doh:

The whole point of this convo is.  That they are price gouging.  If they are making money.  Why do they keep raising prices "idiot".  Because THEY ARE PRICE GOUGING" .  

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1 minute ago, JuneJuly said:

Oh boy, another nobel laureate.  I'll not only do that, I'll tell you how to really fix it.

First, admit you're a moron and fell for the price "guaging" BS hook line and sinker.  

First, its "gouging," which means you got 71.4 percent of the letters correct in this word, which would get you a "C," percentagewise, but when it comes to spelling, it's either all or nothing, so a solid F and complete fail here.

So I'll sit back and wait for you and whatever dormant brain cells you can get to "guaging" to tell everyone how you "really fix" high grocery prices and what led to their cause.


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Just now, IndyColtsFan said:

First, its "gouging," which means you got 71.4 percent of the letters correct in this word, which would get you a "C," percentagewise, but when it comes to spelling, it's either all or nothing, so a solid F and complete fail here.

So I'll sit back and wait for you and whatever dormant brain cells you can get to "guaging" to tell everyone how you "really fix" high grocery prices and what led to their cause.


If inflation is going down.  And prices are still going up ... ok class what do we call that?

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1 minute ago, IndyColtsFan said:

First, its "gouging," which means you got 71.4 percent of the letters correct in this word, which would get you a "C," percentagewise, but when it comes to spelling, it's either all or nothing, so a solid F and complete fail here.

So I'll sit back and wait for you and whatever dormant brain cells you can get to "guaging" to tell everyone how you "really fix" high grocery prices and what led to their cause.


First, you're dumb as fok. The reason I put "guaging" in quotes is because that's what Kackala said in her speech. She's got your level IQ. Try and keep up.  

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2 minutes ago, purdygood said:

If inflation is going down.  And prices are still going up ... ok class what do we call that?

Try this. List all the times they've "raised the prices", your words, and see if you can make it correspond to YoY inflation and gas prices.  Let's see if one of those dim bulbs in your head turns on.  

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Just now, purdygood said:

If inflation is going down.  And prices are still going up ... ok class what do we call that?

Inflation is the rate by which prices increase. It is anything but unusual that prices continue to increase while the rate that they do so slows.

Inflation has slowed to below 3 percent for the first time in years, meaning prices are not going up as quickly as they once were.

Prices historically always have gone gone up. Life as we go one keeps getting more expensive. More demand as population grows.


Deflation is a rarity in our history.



The most recent deflationary period in U.S. history was during the Great Recession which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009. There was a drop in commodity prices during this time, particularly oil, and economists worried that deflation would lead to a prolonged recession and rising unemployment, creating further strain on the U.S. economy.


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2 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

Try this. List all the times they've "raised the prices", your words, and see if you can make it correspond to YoY inflation and gas prices.  Let's see if one of those dim bulbs in your head turns on.  

If you are such a genius at this.  Call your boy Trump and tell him you'll be Secretary of Treasury should he win.  I hope you prove me wrong.  

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Just now, purdygood said:

If you are such a genius at this.  Call your boy Trump and tell him you'll be Secretary of Treasury should he win.  I hope you prove me wrong.  

I don't need a job.  

You could try taking a few economic classes at the community college. Or read some books. 

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10 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

First, you're dumb as fok. The reason I put "guaging" in quotes is because that's what Kackala said in her speech. She's got your level IQ. Try and keep up.  

So "guaging" is what was written on her teleprompter? 

From all the stories I've read, she used the proper term "gouging."

Here's a motherfocking Newsmax story:



Recently presumed Democratic presidential candidate Kamal Harris said she recognizes consumers are hurting because of high grocery prices. She says if elected she will pass legislation to limit the amount of price increases. She says this is necessary because corporations are price gouging.

Read Newsmax: No Kamala, Price Gouging Is Not the Cause of Inflation | Newsmax.com
Important: Find Your Real Retirement Date in Minutes! More Info Here

"Guaging" isn't even a word, you illiterate window licker.

Yes, I will keep up with how stupid you are, because it's wildly entertaining.


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13 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

Try this. List all the times they've "raised the prices", your words, and see if you can make it correspond to YoY inflation and gas prices.  Let's see if one of those dim bulbs in your head turns on.  

What's "YoY inflation and gas prices?"

Did you mean "yolo?"

Yo Yo Ma?

The yo-yos in your head?


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3 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

What's "YoY inflation and gas prices?"

Did you mean "yolo?"

Yo Yo Ma?

The yo-yos in your head?


Serious?  Year over year.  I needed to be specific since I could tell I was dealing with someone who doesn't know how inflation works.  

Are you feeling OK?  JFC.  

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10 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

So "guaging" is what was written on her teleprompter? 

From all the stories I've read, she used the proper term "gouging."

Here's a motherfocking Newsmax story:


"Guaging" isn't even a word, you illiterate window licker.

Yes, I will keep up with how stupid you are, because it's wildly entertaining.


You don't have to read. I provided the actual video for you up thread.  So like I said, try and keep up. 


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I subscribe to the New York Times, so I'll share this excellent piece for educational purposes. You're welcome.


Vice President Kamala Harris’s economic agenda for her presidential campaign features an argument that blames corporate price gouging for high grocery prices.

That message polls well with swing voters. It has been embraced by progressive groups, which regularly point to price gouging as a driver of rapid inflation, or at least something that contributes to rapid price increases. Those groups cheered the announcement late Wednesday that Ms. Harris would call for a federal ban on corporate price gouging on groceries in an economic policy speech on Friday.

But the economic argument over the issue is complicated.

Economists have cited a range of forces for pushing up prices in the recovery from the pandemic recession, including snarled supply chains, a sudden shift in consumer buying patterns, and the increased customer demand fueled by stimulus from the government and low rates from the Federal Reserve. Most economists say those forces are far more responsible than corporate behavior for the rise in prices in that period.

Biden administration economists have found that corporate behavior has played a role in pushing up grocery costs in recent years — but that other factors have played a much larger one.

The Harris campaign announcement on Wednesday cited meat industry consolidation as a driver of excessive grocery prices, but officials did not respond on Thursday to questions about the evidence Ms. Harris would cite or how her proposal would work.

There are examples of companies telling investors in recent years that they have been able to raise prices to increase profits. But even the term “price gouging” means different things to different people.

To some, it means companies are using shortages as an opportunity to raise prices rapidly, taking advantage of an imbalance between supply and demand to rake in huge profits.

That kind of behavior is common — even expected — in economics, and tends to crop up when products become hard to get.

For others, “price gouging” suggests that companies are choosing to produce less — effectively keeping something in short supply — so that they can charge more. At least in theory, such a situation should be only temporary. New competitors should enter the market and provide products at a price people can afford. And some seem to use the term to mean that companies have been taking advantage of a moment of rapid inflation to pass through price increases of their own.

Prices jumped starting in 2021 as factory shutdowns and supply chain problems caused shortages for some products — including cars and furniture — at the same time that pandemic relief checks and shifts in consumer behavior tied to the pandemic helped to fuel hot consumer demand for physical goods.

Inflation remained rapid in 2022, compounded by the start of Russia’s war in Ukraine, which helped to push up fuel and food prices. That year and in early 2023, it spread into a variety of service prices.

The price jumps were especially painful in categories like groceries. At their peak, in August 2022, prices for food at home climbed 13.5 percent compared with a year earlier.

And that matters to the typical household and voter. Economic research suggests the cost of groceries — which consumers buy regularly, seeing clearly posted prices — plays a hefty role in shaping Americans’ views of inflation. But inflation has been slowing markedly over the past year, and is now nearly back to its pace before the pandemic. The Consumer Price Index climbed 2.9 percent in the year through July, data this week showed, the first time inflation has dipped below 3 percent since 2021.

As economists revisit why inflation reached such a rapid pace at its peak, some point to price gouging. It is clearly the case that corporate profits picked up sharply during the pandemic. And throughout 2022 and much of 2023, companies regularly talked about how much new pricing power they had, and how they were trying to keep customers buying more “premium” products at heftier price points.

Researchers at the liberal Groundwork Collaborative in Washington produced a report in January calculating that corporate profit margins accounted for about half of American inflation in the second half of 2023.

But companies were able to rake in those profits for a reason, some economists point out: Consumer demand was very strong. Fed and congressional efforts to boost households and businesses during the pandemic, like the $1,400 payments for individuals Mr. Biden signed as part of the economic rescue plan early in 2021, fueled consumption.

“If prices are rising on average over time and profit margins expand, that might look like price gouging, but it’s actually indicative of a broad increase in demand,” said Joshua Hendrickson, an economist at the University of Mississippi who has written skeptically of claims that corporate behavior is driving prices higher. “Such broad increases tend to be the result of expansionary monetary or fiscal policy — or both.”


As hot demand collided with diminished supply, the economy operated more or less as one would expect, several economists said. Without enough goods to meet strong demand, companies began to charge as much as they could for what they did have to sell. Higher prices then prodded companies to produce more, which helped supply to recover and inflation to cool again.

“Egg prices went up last year — it’s because there weren’t as many eggs, and it caused more egg production,” said Jason Furman, a Harvard economist formerly in the Obama administration.

And even when it came to things like groceries, the jump in prices wasn’t all about corporate profits. The pandemic also spurred a rise in nominal worker wages, which has contributed to price increases. Researchers from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City reported last year that rapid job growth in the U.S. economy, and the wage increases that came with it, were major contributors to rising grocery prices.

Still, some economists suggest that in a world where supply shocks could be more frequent — with causes like trade wars, geopolitical instability and climate change — the government should find ways to prevent corporations from reacting to sudden supply shortages by sharply increasing prices.

Isabella Weber, an economist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, said that shortages and higher raw material costs during the pandemic seemed to work like a coordination tool: Many companies found that they could charge more because their competitors were doing the same. That allowed them to maintain or even increase profits.

That could set a worrisome precedent, she said. In future shocks, companies may not feel much urgency to rapidly fix supply chain problems, aware that they can pull in big profits in the meantime.

And while the businesses are likely to ramp up production and lower prices in the longer term — they would eventually face consumer pushback or lose out to competitors — even a temporary period of very high inflation can be tough on the average person.

“If the worst of times for ordinary people ends up being the best of times for corporations,” she said, people may feel cheated. “Some sort of basic social contract is kind of crumpling.”

She applauded Ms. Harris’s plan to combat grocery price gouging.

Mr. Furman, by contrast, said there was a risk that policies meant to curb corporate price gouging could instead keep the economy from adjusting. If prices do not rise in response to strong demand, new companies may not have as much inclination to jump into the market to ramp up supply.

“This is not sensible policy, and I think the biggest hope is that it ends up being a lot of rhetoric and no reality,” he said. “There’s no upside here, and there is some downside.”


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7 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

Serious?  Year over year.  I needed to be specific since I could tell I was dealing with someone who doesn't know how inflation works.  

Are you feeling OK?  JFC.  

Still waiting on your brilliant plan to bring down grocery prices and explain how they got that way in the first place.

"Show" talks and "tell" walks, boyo. 

Don't be a Clownzo. 

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2 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Still waiting on your brilliant plan to bring down grocery prices and explain how they got that way in the first place.

"Show" talks and "tell" walks, boyo. 

Don't be a Clownzo. 

You don't even know what YoY means.  🤣

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Soy boy cucks for Kamala in full force tonight. 

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5 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

And @jerryskids I wasn’t trying to give a master class. I was pointing out that while  neither political party really cares about our debt, Republicans only pretend to care when it’s spending they don’t like. I’m sure you don’t disagree. 

As for Kamala, she doesn’t even pretend to care. I admit I liked her speech today, mainly because I want her to win and I think this will help her do so. But she is a spend spend spend liberal just like every other liberal before her. Who could deny it? She doesn’t worry about the deficit or the debt. Why should she? She threw in a laughable line today, something like “we will reduce the deficit as we do this!” No explanation how. It was similar to when Trump claimed that cutting corporate taxes actually produces more revenue. Ah well. 

My master class comment was not for you but for @zsasz,our resident centrist who hates anything right of Mao. :thumbsup:


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47 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

You don't even know what YoY means.  🤣

Still waiting on your brilliant grocery-price thoughts.


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Kamala has now made a total of four policy proposals since becoming the nominee:

1) Stealing President Trump's "no tax on tips" policy
2) Stealing J.D. Vance's tax credit for new parents.
3) Implementing communist price controls for food, which will make food a lot more expensive and cause rationing.
4) Giving new homeowners $25K down payments, which will make housing more expensive due to subsidizing demand

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40 minutes ago, Dizkneelande said:

Kamala has now made a total of four policy proposals since becoming the nominee:

1) Stealing President Trump's "no tax on tips" policy
2) Stealing J.D. Vance's tax credit for new parents.
3) Implementing communist price controls for food, which will make food a lot more expensive and cause rationing.
4) Giving new homeowners $25K down payments, which will make housing more expensive due to subsidizing demand

But she rejects Trump’s tariff proposals and that alone makes her the better choice, hands down. 

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4 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

But she rejects Trump’s tariff proposals and that alone makes her the better choice, hands down. 


Weird wasn’t it the Biden / Harris administration that imposed around $20 billion in tariffs on steel, aluminum, semi-conductors, electric vehicles, batteries, solar cells, cranes, and medical products? Also weird she didn’t seem to have a problem when Biden kept most of the Trump tariffs.

One day, probably not soon but it will happen, you will wake up, look in the mirror and, realize you were wrong about everything. Then you will start to question why you wasted half your life arguing with other retards on the internet. 

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17 minutes ago, Reality said:

Disastrous couple of days for Harris.

Its not an accident they have been trying to keep her quiet.  This will definitely be interesting 

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

But she rejects Trump’s tariff proposals and that alone makes her the better choice, hands down. 

The poor little thing is spinning herself out. She's a Trainwreck, dumber than Biden even. 

I know, crazy right? 

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6 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

So thus far her economic oplan is a hybrid of Trump/Vance and Richard Nixon?   

With a touch of Fidel Castro.

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12 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

No I understand it great. You didn’t contradict what I wrote. It allows people who already own the house to keep their taxes low. That allows for further investment. (What is basically allowed for was for older parents to give money to their adult kids to be able to afford down payments on new housing. And it allowed people looking to upgrade to better housing the money to do so.) 

Apparently you don't.  This is wrong again.  Pathetic.

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14 hours ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Which the MAGA idiots here applauded

13 hours ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Cool, so quit whining about grocery prices.





The catch 22.

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3 hours ago, Dizkneelande said:


Weird wasn’t it the Biden / Harris administration that imposed around $20 billion in tariffs on steel, aluminum, semi-conductors, electric vehicles, batteries, solar cells, cranes, and medical products? Also weird she didn’t seem to have a problem when Biden kept most of the Trump tariffs.

One day, probably not soon but it will happen, you will wake up, look in the mirror and, realize you were wrong about everything. Then you will start to question why you wasted half your life arguing with other retards on the internet. 

First off if I’m up early it’s for work, not because I’m obsessed with posting here. Had an emergency this morning  at one of the shopping centers. 

Second- Biden’s tariffs, and his refusal to remove Trump’s old tariffs, were terrible decisions and they have really hurt the economy. But all of this is NOTHING compared to what Trump is preparing to do for the next 4 years. He wants 10-20% tariffs on ALL countries, not just a few. He wants 60% tariffs on China, which might as well be a declaration of war. The dude is seriously crazy on this subject. And if elected he has the power to do this- Congress can’t stop him. And no sane person can support this, or support him. So be critical of Kamala’s economic plans all you want, but there is really no rational alternative to voting for her: 

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Real Tim would rather his trade partner use slave  labor and wreck the environment. Thinks he’s on some higher moral level than he is. 

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Just now, Hardcore troubadour said:

Real Tim would rather his trade partner use slave  labor and wreck the environment. Thinks he’s on some higher moral level than he is. 

You’re wrong but I’m not going to waste time arguing with you about tariffs in general. All you need to know is that imposing them on ALL countries without limitation, and 60% on China, will destroy our economy and most likely lead to World War III. 

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