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The Real timschochet

The state of the Presidential race: Has Kamala’s momentum slowed down?

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7 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

What has she done to create the best economy?  Did we not have the best economy in the world under Trump, Obama, Bush, and Clinton too?

She and Joe taking us out of the dumpster fire lardo left it in. Last quarter GDP just released. Is better than what we had in 2019 when we had “best economy in the history of the world!”.

You asked what Kamala could run on we can start there.

Second, I would go with SC will likely have a seat or maybe two up in next 4 years. You want Donald putting in some more folks from “The Handmaid’s Tale”?

Good start!


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3 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

She and Joe  taking us out of the dumpster fire lardo left it in. Last quarter GDP just released. Is better than what we had in 2019 when we had “best economy in the history of the world!”.

You asked what Kamala could run on we can start there.

Second, I would go with SC will likely have a seat or maybe two up in next 4 years. You want Donald putting in some more folks from “The Handmaid’s Tale”?

Good start!


To be fair, she didn’t have much to do with this.

The VP is largely ceremonial. Kamala really shouldn’t be given credit, or blame, for any of Biden’s agenda. No doubt she will be by both sides, but it’s not accurate. 

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3 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

To be fair, she didn’t have much to do with this.

The VP is largely ceremonial. Kamala really shouldn’t be given credit, or blame, for any of Biden’s agenda. No doubt she will be by both sides, but it’s not accurate. 

I realize you are taking it on the chin with Kamala and the border czar issue but she should absolutely lean into successes that this administration has. The difference should be that she can spit it out whereas Biden couldn’t. 

This includes the border issue which she will need to articulate a coherent message. 

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2 hours ago, Dizkneelande said:

This is truly Orwellian. You don’t hate them enough.


Great post. You’re doing good work here. Thanks. 

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52 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

She and Joe taking us out of the dumpster fire lardo left it in. Last quarter GDP just released. Is better than what we had in 2019 when we had “best economy in the history of the world!”.

You asked what Kamala could run on we can start there.

Second, I would go with SC will likely have a seat or maybe two up in next 4 years. You want Donald putting in some more folks from “The Handmaid’s Tale”?

Good start!


So bullsh!t and fear mongering?  She's actually accompished nothing but you want us to believe she will start all of a sudden?  Okay

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Just now, BrahmaBulls said:

So bullsh!t and fear mongering?  She's actually accompished nothing but you want us to believe she will start all of a sudden?  Okay

The economy is very good. It wasn’t when they took over. It’s just a fact.

Trump won’t appoint conservative Justices? Is that what you are saying?

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If a Dem agenda got tough, secure the border they win in a landslide. If they lose this will be a big reason why.

Puzzling as to why they don`t take this stand as both sides now want a secure border.

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2 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

So stupid 

We know you are.  Don't have to let us know every day

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Just now, Mike Hunt said:

If a Dem agenda got tough, secure the border they win in a landslide. If they lose this will be a big reason why.

Puzzling as to why they don`t take this stand as both sides now want a secure border.

They did try it. Republican was leading this in the Senate (Lankford) along with Dems and he got skewered for it.

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2 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

Yeah the China Virus had nothing to do with it.   Dumb a$$

Yeah did that just suddenly end when Biden and Harris took over?

In any case The GDP for Q2 2024 that just came out was better than Q4 2019. Best economy in the history of the world!!1!

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8 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

So many dumb posts 

Proof reading your own, again?

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26 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Yeah did that just suddenly end when Biden and Harris took over?

In any case The GDP for Q2 2024 that just came out was better than Q4 2019. Best economy in the history of the world!!1!

It's funny that when Trump was president you all said it was Obama's economy that Trump inherited, but Biden gets all the credit when he's in office. Another fake sh!tlib

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Just now, iam90sbaby said:

It's funny that when Trump was president you all said it was Obama's economy that Trump inherited, but Biden gets all the credit when he's in office. Another fake sh!tlib

And Trumpers do the exact opposite. Welcome to politics son.

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7 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

It's funny that when Trump was president you all said it was Obama's economy that Trump inherited, but Biden gets all the credit when he's in office. Another fake sh!tlib

When Trump left the economy was super shitty, dope.

Here’s the point: The economy here is doing very well. This is something if I am Kamala I would be emphasizing which was the question. 

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4 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

When Trump left the economy was super shitty, dope.

Here’s the point: The economy here is doing very well. This is something if I am Kamala I would be emphasizing which was the question. 

Trump economy was great until China Virus hit, dope.  Kamala can't take credit for an economy that's not even all that good.

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3 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

Trump economy was great until China Virus hit, dope.  Kamala can't take credit for an economy that's not even all that good.

The economy was great when Trump took over too. 

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5 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

Trump economy was great until China Virus hit, dope.  Kamala can't take credit for an economy that's not even all that good.

Right then it was bad and In disarray.

It is now good and growing at a pace better than it was when Trump was in charge before the pandemic.


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6 minutes ago, MDC said:

The economy was great when Trump took over too. 


I already listed the last 5 Presidents.  General keeps swallowing Kamala for some reason.

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6 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:


I already listed the last 5 Presidents.  General keeps swallowing Kamala for some reason.

Why would she not emphasize this? Trump is telling us it was the greatest economy in the history of the world! 

You asked what she should run on, this is one thing I would stress.

Second, as I mentioned SC justices and their impact on our lives. You cried that was fear mongering. Meanwhile Trump is telling us the nation will end if he doesn’t win 😂😂

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

I appreciate the kind words. 

Yes this will be a problem for Kamala, mainly because it was implied that she could actually do more than she had the power to do. 

But the entire border issue is, IMO, drenched in falsehoods from the conservative side. There are actually less border crossings right now than there were during the last year of Trump’s first term. Undocumented immigrants are blamed for the rise in violent crime which is false in two ways: we have record lows in violent crime (so there is no rise) and undocumented immigrants commit far less of it, by percentage, than do native born Americans. Finally Trump’s proposed “solution” to this issue, mass deportation of millions of people, would be so catastrophic to our economy and so horrific that it makes any mistakes Biden might have made pale in comparison. 

Hopefully Kamala can make these points effectively, mainly because they’re all true. But I’m worried. The notion that somehow Trump is right on this issue, false as that is, is already entrenched in the American public, mostly due to good messaging by conservatives and very poor messaging by the administration. Not sure that can be changed, or even neutralized, in a few months. 

I think you lose credibility with some here (though some of those same people have no credibility of their own to tout) by ignoring the nuance of these issues.

The administration deserves scant credit for reduced apprehensions at the border given reduced enforcement coupled with increased vigilance from mexico to prevent would-be crossers from traversing their country.  Illegals may commit a low overall rate of violent crime, but well-publicized violent crimes by illegals begs the question of what amount of violence by illegals is acceptable and why wouldn’t we want to take steps to prevent even a low rate.

A focus on violent crime by illegals is an unfortunate distraction from the reality that 1) illegal immigration is an unsustainable domestic resource drain and 2) the international community continues to ignore Mexico and Central America’s malpractice in improving quality of life for their citizens.

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39 minutes ago, MLCKAA said:

I think you lose credibility with some here (though some of those same people have no credibility of their own to tout) by ignoring the nuance of these issues.

The administration deserves scant credit for reduced apprehensions at the border given reduced enforcement coupled with increased vigilance from mexico to prevent would-be crossers from traversing their country.  Illegals may commit a low overall rate of violent crime, but well-publicized violent crimes by illegals begs the question of what amount of violence by illegals is acceptable and why wouldn’t we want to take steps to prevent even a low rate.

A focus on violent crime by illegals is an unfortunate distraction from the reality that 1) illegal immigration is an unsustainable domestic resource drain and 2) the international community continues to ignore Mexico and Central America’s malpractice in improving quality of life for their citizens.

Well this isn’t the thread to have a long nuanced conversation about this issue, and I have tried to do it in the past. Let me say with regard to your last paragraph that I disagree strongly with your point #1 and agree strongly with your point #2 though I suspect we may disagree on the causes and solutions. 

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10 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Well this isn’t the thread to have a long nuanced conversation about this issue, and I have tried to do it in the past. Let me say with regard to your last paragraph that I disagree strongly with your point #1 and agree strongly with your point #2 though I suspect we may disagree on the causes and solutions. 

What thread is?

This is a forum where most of the denizens think nuance is something you find in the deli section at the market.

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33 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Well this isn’t the thread to have a long nuanced conversation about this issue, and I have tried to do it in the past. Let me say with regard to your last paragraph that I disagree strongly with your point #1 and agree strongly with your point #2 though I suspect we may disagree on the causes and solutions. 

If you disagree with point 1, I want to make sure you noted that I am referring to illegal immigration.  Legal and procedurally proper immigration is just fine.  Given that local, state and federal budgeting is based on predictable population levels, illegal immigration can only be a drain on domestic resources.  If a flight is planned from Sacramento to Albuquerque, the fuel load on the plane isn’t sufficient to make the Sacramento to Nashville flight.

Regarding point 2, why would we disagree on causes and solutions?  My long-held belief is that if there is a humanitarian crisis behind the flight from Mexico and Central America, the governments there should be held to account for their policies and practices.  The mass exodus from there to here is a problem for America and part of the solution should be improving quality of life in those countries.  I bet good minds could come up with abundant answers for how to accomplish that.

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1 hour ago, thegeneral said:

Why would she not emphasize this? Trump is telling us it was the greatest economy in the history of the world! 

You asked what she should run on, this is one thing I would stress.

Second, as I mentioned SC justices and their impact on our lives. You cried that was fear mongering. Meanwhile Trump is telling us the nation will end if he doesn’t win 😂😂

She hates you, but Dems are dumb, they'll vote for her anyhow. 




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14 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

She hates you, but Dems are dumb, they'll vote for her anyhow. 




Well Donald said many people I call friends and many of my co-workers “animals” who are “poisoning the blood of the country” and called me “vermin” so I guess I have to pick my spot here.

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55 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Well Donald said many people I call friends and many of my co-workers “animals” who are “poisoning the blood of the country” and called me “vermin” so I guess I have to pick my spot here.

You work with illegals? 

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6 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

You work with illegals? 

I work with many people who have immigrated here. 

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1 minute ago, thegeneral said:

I work with many people who have immigrated here. 


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2 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:


Who knows. I didn’t ask. This shethead using this language is not what I look for from leaders.

What about political opponents being vermin? 

Why don’t you just say yeah this isn’t good, demand better, and move on?

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1 minute ago, thegeneral said:

Who knows. I didn’t ask. This shethead using this language is not what I look for from leaders.

What about political opponents being vermin? 

Why don’t you just say yeah this isn’t good, demand better, and move on?

It's elementary isn't it?

Clean up the border, send back those who are here ILLEGALLY, STOP SENDING AMERICAN DOLLARS TO UKRAINE AND ISRAEL, fix the friggin economy, make our streets safer and put money back into hard working American pockets, shove your Wokeness up your asss, stop grooming children, no more DEI Bullshizz, etc. Do all this and you have a better America instantly. 

None of which Biden did in 4 miserable years. 

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1 minute ago, Maximum Overkill said:

It's elementary isn't it?

Clean up the border, send back those who are here ILLEGALLY, STOP SENDING AMERICAN DOLLARS TO UKRAINE AND ISRAEL, fix the friggin economy, make our streets safer and put money back into hard working American pockets, shove your Wokeness up your asss, stop grooming children, no more DEI Bullshizz, etc. Do all this and you have a better America instantly. 

None of which Biden did in 4 miserable years. 

Good luck to you!

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8 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Trump’s gains with black voters have been wiped out: 


But hey I’m sure if you guys tell them that Kamala isn’t really African-American that will change things! Lolol

I think their primary concern was holding together the coalition. Keep that huge advantage on the minority vote, try to keep the youth vote. It’s not necessarily for ‘24 but to make sure they’ve still got that baseline in ‘28.

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13 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Good luck to you!

It ain't happening if Woke Asss Kamala is President. Am I wrong? 

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1 minute ago, Maximum Overkill said:

It ain't happening if Woke Asss Kamala is President. Am I wrong? 

Well maybe Republicans won’t be so beholden to Donald and accept a deal on immigration if he loses yet again. The economy is doing well already, sorry bro! You think Donald will stop sending money to Israel 😂. Ukraine, yes he will so there’s one issue it’s clear where they stand. Your rants about woke, DEI, grooming etc whatever. I don’t follow this closely, is it really important to anyone outside of Twitter? You got me. Is Trump going to outlaw Tranny brunches?


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8 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

deal on immigration

Why do they need a deal to send them back? Is giving them housing, healthcare, money, Obama Phones and free education part of the deal to? 

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6 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Why do they need a deal to send them back? Is giving them housing, healthcare, money, Obama Phones and free education part of the deal to? 

We’re not sending them back. 

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1 minute ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Why do they need a deal to send them back? Is giving them housing, healthcare, money, Obama Phones and free education part of the deal to? 

If you want to send back criminals sure. You going to round up people who are working? Fock that. 


This was a good deal. Bozo killed it because he wants it to be a problem. You lap it up. It’s typical politics I suppose. 

I like how you always just disregard other points as well 😂

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