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The Real timschochet

The state of the Presidential race:Harris leads in Michigan; Pennsylvania

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Just now, Ron_Artest said:

The same american system of government that Biden has corrupted for political purposes?  This is the system that ensures that we can't be corrupted for political purposes?

Correct!! Yes! Thank you, look at how the system is working.....they have perverted the law to a remarkable extent, but the system is still working.....much to the dismay of liberals and their propogandists in the media. It could be true that they eventually find some way to ding him of course, and they seem to be intent to chase this rainbow.....still not realizing that we are on to the game, and their fraudulent legal abuses wont sway us.

Its not perfect, but it continues to work.....

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Just now, jerryskids said:

Yes, because salespeople are very rigid and bean counting number crunchers are nuanced and flexible.  :lol: 

I don't know why, but your lack of self awareness continues to amaze me.  You would think I'd be used to it by now.  :dunno: 

It's like your interpretation of the world is based on nothing but cartoon stereotypes.  Yes, finance executives are very flexible as we find ways to keep the business running and people like you employed.  Creativity is a massive trait of folks in positions like mine.

You choose to throw a hissy fit about me saying a threat to humanity rather than a threat to our country.  Only the most rigid and uncreative people would have chosen this hill to die on.  Either one represents massive hyperbole and is quite clearly ridiculous.

You continue to show your ignorance about how the real world works beyond anything but your most base experience.

But please boyo, let's end this and let's get to you explaining how leftist cultural policies are the biggest threat to the destruction of the USA.

Dis gun be good. 

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9 minutes ago, Baker Boy said:




fas·cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm  
 also  ˈfa-ˌsi-
often capitalized  : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Just want to point out that personally I don’t use that word anymore to describe Trump. I think Trump is an authoritarian along the lines of Orban- a “strong man” type. Fascist is more specific and doesn’t really fit. 

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9 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Just want to point out that personally I don’t use that word anymore to describe Trump. I think Trump is an authoritarian along the lines of Orban- a “strong man” type. Fascist is more specific and doesn’t really fit. 

Authoritarian is probably more accurate.  The way fascism is thrown around regarding Biden by people here and specifically Trump himself, the definition much more closely fits Trump than Biden.

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48 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

OK so in my first post this morning I wrote that most conservatives don’t take the Trump as dictator threat seriously. That has been demonstrated here over the last few hours. 

I DO take it seriously. Maybe like @RaiderHaters Revenge says, I’m crazy. I hope I am. I hope we don’t get to find out. (though at this point in time Trump appears to be a favorite to win so I think we probably will.) 

If Trump wins and he doesn’t try to end our current system of government I will gladly show up here and tell Raider and all the others they were right: I will happily eat crow on that day. 


I respect that Tim.  Try not to go full tds and live your life in peace the next 4 years if he does just like I’ve been doing the last 4 years

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32 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Just want to point out that personally I don’t use that word anymore to describe Trump. I think Trump is an authoritarian along the lines of Orban- a “strong man” type. Fascist is more specific and doesn’t really fit. 

I’m still looking for a spot he used anything authoritarian. Hell he didn’t even use the national guard to stop the summer of love riots 

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Joe Biden is the most authoritarian president we have had since FDR. 

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8 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Joe Biden is the most authoritarian president we have had since FDR. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt issued more executive orders than any other president - 3,728. He is also the only president to average more than 300 per year

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2 hours ago, RLLD said:

That might be true, luckily we have a system that ensures that wont happen, something perhaps underappreciated about us....:thumbsup:

That’s exactly what Trump tried to destroy on January 6 :doh:

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49 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Joe Biden is the most authoritarian president we have had since FDR. 

I say Biden Regime.  The dude’s an eggplant hopped up on amphetamines.  There’s no way he knows what he is signing or how to formulate policy.  

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2 minutes ago, IGotWorms said:

That’s exactly what Trump tried to destroy on January 6 :doh:

Except that is not true.  I get why you want to believe that, but that was not the case at all.

Now, if we want to end the dramatics and politically-motivated lies then we can get back to some simple common sense and stop regurgitating the media-driven propaganda.

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1 minute ago, RLLD said:

Except that is not true.  I get why you want to believe that, but that was not the case at all.

How so? Congress was convening to certify the results of a democratic election, which Trump lost. Trump tried to disrupt that process in a bunch of ways including fake electorates and sicking a mob on the Capitol. He tried to have his vice president break the law and overturn the election. Etc etc 

Those are the systems you are now speaking wistfully of.

Glad you’ve come around, but you must now agree that Trump must be made to pay to protect those systems, and that he should never ever be president again.

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Just now, IGotWorms said:

How so? Congress was convening to certify the results of a democratic election, which Trump lost. Trump tried to disrupt that process in a bunch of ways including fake electorates and sicking a mob on the Capitol. He tried to have his vice president break the law and overturn the election. Etc etc 

Those are the systems you are now speaking wistfully of.

Glad you’ve come around, but you must now agree that Trump must be made to pay to protect those systems, and that he should never ever be president again.

You know very well how its untrue, but you want to insist that Trump organized some specific action and he did not.

Those who broke the law were held to it, as they should have been; another example of the system working.

This insistence to pretend its all about Trump just one work on rational people, but hey, clearly that is not going to stop the Democrats....this lawfare shows they are going to see their perversion of our systems through to the end.....

Maybe they let their militants in Hamas loose or something, they seem to really love rapists and murderers over there in Democrat circles

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3 minutes ago, RLLD said:

You know very well how its untrue, but you want to insist that Trump organized some specific action and he did not.

So Mike Pence is lying?  Donald Trump is lying?  Everyone on both sides agrees this is what happened.  Be serious.


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6 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

So Mike Pence is lying?  Donald Trump is lying?  Everyone on both sides agrees this is what happened.  Be serious.


Mike Pence said many things, some I agree with and some are misused to construe what transpired into political weaponry. I am confident that no matter what is provided, you will perceive it as negatively as possible to feed your need to hate the man, instead of the outcomes.

I get that, and I think there are a fair number of you out there. You would rather see the country burn than allow someone you disagree with be elected. I am not really with you all and how you think, but I get that you feel strongly about it. 

Believing something, as you do, does not make it true.

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3 minutes ago, RLLD said:

Mike Pence said many things, some I agree with and some are misused to construe what transpired into political weaponry. I am confident that no matter what is provided, you will perceive it as negatively as possible to feed your need to hate the man, instead of the outcomes.

I get that, and I think there are a fair number of you out there. You would rather see the country burn than allow someone you disagree with be elected. I am not really with you all and how you think, but I get that you feel strongly about it. 

Believing something, as you do, does not make it true.

It's Trumps own words.  On Jan 6 he said this...


States want to revote. The states got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.

His own words, send it back to the states.

Pence claims a little more...


“I think it’s important that the American people know what happened in the days before January 6,” Pence said. “President Trump demanded that I use my authority as vice president presiding over the count of the Electoral College to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes. I had no authority to do that.”

This is not something I believe.  It's fact.  You can't accept facts.

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Just now, Ron_Artest said:

It's Trumps own words.  On Jan 6 he said this...

His own words, send it back to the states.

Pence claims a little more...

This is not something I believe.  It's fact.  You can't accept facts.

All good, I do not see an issue with this. I also did not see any issue with prior elections were contested. Pretending this was some kind of move to steal power is a weak.....weak.....argument to trot out. If you are trying to sell this to normal, rational people.....you might not find any buyers.  Maybe head over to Columbia University, this seem like the kind of trite nonsense those morons would gobble up.

If I might, and take this with a grain of salt if you must.....but.....consider.....stopping this maneuver to paint Trump as some sort of villain or threat.....its not working.   None of these smears are working. So,.......consider going back to simply highlighting policy prescriptions and such, that is your best chance to beat the guy....the more you try to portray him with these extravagant notions, the less normal people will gravitate toward you.....

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25 minutes ago, RLLD said:

All good, I do not see an issue with this. I also did not see any issue with prior elections were contested. Pretending this was some kind of move to steal power is a weak.....weak.....argument to trot out. If you are trying to sell this to normal, rational people.....you might not find any buyers.  Maybe head over to Columbia University, this seem like the kind of trite nonsense those morons would gobble up.

If I might, and take this with a grain of salt if you must.....but.....consider.....stopping this maneuver to paint Trump as some sort of villain or threat.....its not working.   None of these smears are working. So,.......consider going back to simply highlighting policy prescriptions and such, that is your best chance to beat the guy....the more you try to portray him with these extravagant notions, the less normal people will gravitate toward you.....


You are the dumbest mother focker here.

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29 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:


You are the dumbest mother focker here.

Not so long as you remain.  I would dare not challenge the level of unabashed stupidity you espouse on the regular.  All in all its good, you show us what the worst can look like. :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, RLLD said:

You know very well how its untrue, but you want to insist that Trump organized some specific action and he did not.

Those who broke the law were held to it, as they should have been; another example of the system working.

Where does 0-for-60-something in the court election challenges slot into your view of the system working? Because I would tend to agree with you, that the system worked quite well at that point.

Unfortunately, it broke down because Republicans no longer trust institutions, including the legal system. So a few thousand morons, egged on by Donald Trump’s inner circle (and yes, by extension Trump himself, sorry you don't believe that) decided to take matters into their own hands. 

Then the system held again, DESPITE the MAGA attempts at circumventing it.

See, the problem we have here is that the system IS WORKING. But you all are claiming it's not because you can't admit or grasp that you support a con man, and there's no way you'll ever admit differently, no matter how many times you're shown how misguided you are. You're ready to let the country burn because you're too insecure to admit you've been bamboozled by a crook that most people saw through pretty early on. At least most people that don't exclusively consume right wing news sources, anyway. 

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1 hour ago, RLLD said:

Not so long as you remain.  I would dare not challenge the level of unabashed stupidity you espouse on the regular.  All in all its good, you show us what the worst can look like. :thumbsup:


Tell us again moron how not having a job is better than high inflation when wages are up bigly?

You sir a liar and not a serious person.

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I have thought for months that Tim Scott would be the pick. I still do but JD Vance is much smarter and a better speaker than him and is making a good case. 

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12 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:


Buscemi was physically attacked while walking on the sidewalk in New York city just last week.

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5 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

Buscemi was physically attacked while walking on the sidewalk in New York city just last week.

By a Liberal 🌈 

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28 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:


Speak for yourself. Accounts across the board at all-time highs.

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1 minute ago, thegeneral said:

Speak for yourself. Accounts across the board at all-time highs.


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14 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

Speak for yourself. Accounts across the board at all-time highs.




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5 hours ago, Ron_Artest said:

So Mike Pence is lying?  Donald Trump is lying?  Everyone on both sides agrees this is what happened.  Be serious.


The Kid is a clown.  Nothing more than a Trump shill.  

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I'm starting to believe Clownzo is the anti-christ as foretold in the Bible.

He certainly checks all the boxes and has managed to brainwash folks who consider themselves Christians and yet turn a blind eye to his evil words, actions and ambitions.

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1 hour ago, Pimpadeaux said:

I'm starting to believe Clownzo is the anti-christ as foretold in the Bible.

He certainly checks all the boxes and has managed to brainwash folks who consider themselves Christians and yet turn a blind eye to his evil words, actions and ambitions.

nah, the anti-Christ will unite everyone and have a massive following the world has never seen before.

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Snowflakes love Biden because he's a racist like them. Why else would they vote for a raging racist?



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9 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

I'm starting to believe Clownzo is the anti-christ as foretold in the Bible.

He certainly checks all the boxes and has managed to brainwash folks who consider themselves Christians and yet turn a blind eye to his evil words, actions and ambitions.

Lol.  Seek help.  

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17 minutes ago, listen2me 23 said:


Lol.  Seek help.  

Cultist butt-eating cucksters, every single one of them.  

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The polls continue to be terrible for Biden: 


The biggest concerns inside the numbers: 

1. He leads by 1 point among voters 18-30. In 2020 Biden won this group by 24 points. 

2. Biden and Trump are tied among Hispanic voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 11 points. 

2. Biden leads by 40 points among Black voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 60 points. 

There is no way to pretend this isn’t a disaster. There is still time but unless these numbers change significantly Donald Trump will be our next President: 

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13 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

He certainly checks all the boxes

You check all the boxes!!!

You support a Racist Kid Touching Pedo. 

Have a mirror? 🌈 

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35 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

The polls continue to be terrible for Biden: 


The biggest concerns inside the numbers: 

1. He leads by 1 point among voters 18-30. In 2020 Biden won this group by 24 points. 

2. Biden and Trump are tied among Hispanic voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 11 points. 

2. Biden leads by 40 points among Black voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 60 points. 

There is no way to pretend this isn’t a disaster. There is still time but unless these numbers change significantly Donald Trump will be our next President: 

Guess your side of the aisle is going to have to work overtime to stuff those ballot boxes again.

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

The polls continue to be terrible for Biden: 


The biggest concerns inside the numbers: 

1. He leads by 1 point among voters 18-30. In 2020 Biden won this group by 24 points. 

2. Biden and Trump are tied among Hispanic voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 11 points. 

2. Biden leads by 40 points among Black voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 60 points. 

There is no way to pretend this isn’t a disaster. There is still time but unless these numbers change significantly Donald Trump will be our next President: 

If Trump is such a racist white supremacist....then how is he flipping youth and POC?  

Or do those people suddenly not know any better?

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

The polls continue to be terrible for Biden: 


The biggest concerns inside the numbers: 

1. He leads by 1 point among voters 18-30. In 2020 Biden won this group by 24 points. 

2. Biden and Trump are tied among Hispanic voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 11 points. 

2. Biden leads by 40 points among Black voters. In 2020 Biden won this group by 60 points. 

There is no way to pretend this isn’t a disaster. There is still time but unless these numbers change significantly Donald Trump will be our next President: 

ROFLMAO.  Remember when you posted a single cherry picked poll to suggest Biden was going to win.  And then I posted a link to 538 showing a bunch of polls where Trump was winning the majority?  Then you said 538 was "behind" and the REAL momentum was with Biden.  Remember that?  It wasn't very long ago. 


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