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Biden is capping rent hikes at $55

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Losing votes daily, attempted murderers are going down.  Immunity 

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I read an article that said he couldn't read his focking teleprompter that actually stated 5%. 

He's too brain dead to realize that $55 makes absolutely zero sense, and that he had actually correctly stated the 5% line during previous speeches. 



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7 minutes ago, DonS said:

I read an article that said he couldn't read his focking teleprompter that actually stated 5%. 

He's too brain dead to realize that $55 makes absolutely zero sense, and that he had actually correctly stated the 5% line during previous speeches. 



Who's running the Country? 

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He could stop letting in immigrants which lowers wages + increases the cost of housing. That makes too much sense though..

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39 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

He could stop letting in immigrants which lowers wages + increases the cost of housing. That makes too much sense though..

According to Hack and Gutterboy, millions of illegals are exempt from the laws of supply and demand as it relates to housing. 

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2 hours ago, DonS said:

I read an article that said he couldn't read his focking teleprompter that actually stated 5%. 

He's too brain dead to realize that $55 makes absolutely zero sense, and that he had actually correctly stated the 5% line during previous speeches. 




that stupid SOB

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1 hour ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

According to Hack and Gutterboy, millions of illegals are exempt from the laws of supply and demand as it relates to housing. 

Well GutterBoy is a very smart business executive, maybe he's right. 😂

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So he doesnt even know his own policy?

I agree.   Whos running things here??

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Imagine proposing how much businesses can actually make and trying to come off as not communist. 

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4 hours ago, DonS said:

I read an article that said he couldn't read his focking teleprompter that actually stated 5%. 

He's too brain dead to realize that $55 makes absolutely zero sense, and that he had actually correctly stated the 5% line during previous speeches. 



This makes sense. I was going to ask how you could impose a blanket $55 for all situations, that's stupid. A percent limit at least makes mathematical sense. :cheers:


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3 hours ago, iam90sbaby said:

He could stop letting in immigrants which lowers wages + increases the cost of housing. That makes too much sense though..

Lower wages = lower costs for the products those employees are making

And some immigrants looking for $800 1 bedroom apartments isn’t going to impact rent prices for like 95%+ of the country.

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Seafoam must be happy.  

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5 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

Lower wages = lower costs for the products those employees are making

And some immigrants looking for $800 1 bedroom apartments isn’t going to impact rent prices for like 95%+ of the country.

You're stupid. 

And you're stupid again.

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Just now, iam90sbaby said:

You're stupid. 

And you're stupid again.

It’s simple supply and demand.

More supply of labor = lower costs.

I’ve acknowledged more demand for housing = higher costs but it’s really only going to impact small border towns and the lowest end of the price spectrum.  But also in the long run the more supply of labor will likely contribute to more supply of houses as well.

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1 minute ago, TimHauck said:

It’s simple supply and demand.

More supply of labor = lower costs.

I’ve acknowledged more demand for housing = higher costs but it’s really only going to impact small border towns and the lowest end of the price spectrum.  But also in the long run the more supply of labor will likely contribute to more supply of houses as well.

Since the immigration act was signed in the 60s housing prices and rent have steadily increased and this labor supply you speak has done fock all. There goes that stupid little theory of yours.

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3 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

Since the immigration act was signed in the 60s housing prices and rent have steadily increased and this labor supply you speak has done fock all. There goes that stupid little theory of yours.

Are you blaming the increase in house prices since the 60’s on immigration?

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26 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

Are you blaming the increase in house prices since the 60’s on immigration?

It plays a very large roll in it. Same reason wages have completely stagnated.  Why pay an American a six figure income when they can just import some dipsh!t from India who will work for 45k a year? 

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2 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

It plays a very large roll in it. 

You’re stupid (for multiple reasons based on this sentence).

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Just now, TimHauck said:

You’re stupid (for multiple reasons based on this sentence).

Tim, you're a dumbazz. It isn't rocket science. When you significantly increase the population of an area housing goes up and it isn't Americans having babies that is causing the population increase.  That too fell off a cliff right around the same time.

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3 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

You’re stupid (for multiple reasons based on this sentence).

I think your President is 😂 


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if iLLeGaLs rEnT sH1tTy ApArTmEnTs In HiGh CrImE aReAs Of MaJoR CiTiEs ThEn ReNtS wIlL iNcReAsE tHrOuGhOuT tHe EnTiRe CoUnTrY

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1 minute ago, TimHauck said:

if iLLeGaLs rEnT sH1tTy ApArTmEnTs In HiGh CrImE aReAs Of MaJoR CiTiEs ThEn ReNtS wIlL iNcReAsE tHrOuGhOuT tHe EnTiRe CoUnTrY

If the cheapest housing available increases wtf do you think happens to the rest of the housing in a city? You're actually retarded. Go put your metal helmet back on and stfu lol

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3 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

if iLLeGaLs rEnT sH1tTy ApArTmEnTs In HiGh CrImE aReAs Of MaJoR CiTiEs ThEn ReNtS wIlL iNcReAsE tHrOuGhOuT tHe EnTiRe CoUnTrY

How long did it take you to type that? Don't lie 

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2 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

If the cheapest housing available increases wtf do you think happens to the rest of the housing in a city? You're actually retarded. Go put your metal helmet back on and stfu lol

The price of the rest of the housing in a city does not necessarily increase because the cheapest housing available increases.  People wanting the “rest of the housing in the city” were never considering the cheap ones to begin with (especially if we’re talking about the places most illegal immigrants are living), and the people trying to get the cheap ones can’t afford the higher priced ones

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10 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

The price of the rest of the housing in a city does not necessarily increase because the cheapest housing available increases.  People wanting the “rest of the housing in the city” were never considering the cheap ones to begin with (especially if we’re talking about the places most illegal immigrants are living), and the people trying to get the cheap ones can’t afford the higher priced ones

You're useless 

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11 hours ago, iam90sbaby said:

Tim, you're a dumbazz. It isn't rocket science. When you significantly increase the population of an area housing goes up and it isn't Americans having babies that is causing the population increase.  That too fell off a cliff right around the same time.

Wrong. Looks like net migration didn’t overtake natural births until Biden (and mainly because births minus deaths declined sharply with Covid)



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