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t.j. booker

Lowering the temperature at the Geek Club

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My fellow Geeks.

When I saw Mike’s warning this week I got to thinking about what we could all do lower the temperature around here. While there are many areas for improvement, like no more personal attacks and threats of violence, I thought a simple quick win would be kinder emoji usage.

Over the last few years I’ve noticed some mean spirited and irresponsible use of emojis, like sobby sad face emoji, confusedy face emoji, and sarcastic use of laughy faced emoji, like the way Gloria laughed when I caught her in bed the first time with Lamar.

It is unkind. It is hurtful. And it has to stop. 🛑 

My modest proposal is for kinder, gentler, and more respectful emoji usage. So the next time you’re going to put a confusedy face or sobby sadface on a fellow Geek’s post, as yourself: How would this make TJ Booker feel? Then “turn that frown upside down” and click the smiley happedy face or the hearty likeface emoji instead.

Like and subscribe if you’re with me! 

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Before others weigh in with the same thought...


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☺️ Fock off. 

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Today I made some general comments, not insulting, not directed at anyone here. One guy called me a pr!ck, another called me an a$$hole. The other day I expressed sympathy to Trump supporters after their man was almost killed, and I was told to Fock off and that I was personally responsible. 
if you guys want to lower the temperature then lower it already. Stop attacking people personally. Stop with the personal insults. 

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Speaking of insulting, how come Gloria didn’t invite me to the last gang bang?! :mad:

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Seems ok to me. 

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21 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Today I made some general comments, not insulting, not directed at anyone here. One guy called me a pr!ck, another called me an a$$hole. The other day I expressed sympathy to Trump supporters after their man was almost killed, and I was told to Fock off and that I was personally responsible. 
if you guys want to lower the temperature then lower it already. Stop attacking people personally. Stop with the personal insults. 

Its because youre not liked. At all.  You brought this on yourself

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24 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Today I made some general comments, not insulting, not directed at anyone here. One guy called me a pr!ck, another called me an a$$hole. The other day I expressed sympathy to Trump supporters after their man was almost killed, and I was told to Fock off and that I was personally responsible. 
if you guys want to lower the temperature then lower it already. Stop attacking people personally. Stop with the personal insults. 

You've earned your responses.  And you love to play the victim role too.  

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6 minutes ago, supermike80 said:

It’s because youre not liked. At all.  You brought this on yourself

I’d like to think some people like me. If not that’s their problem not mine. Personal insults should be out of bounds no matter what. 

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5 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

You've earned your responses.  And you love to play the victim role too.   

Bullsh!t to both statements. And especially ironic coming from you. Nearly 100% of your posts in this forum are personal attacks. 

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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

Bullsh!t to both statements. And especially ironic coming from you. Nearly 100% of your posts in this forum are personal attacks. 

You have zero self-awareness at all.  90% of two different forums think you're a clown poster.  You just throw out wild ass thoughts as if they're fact and then bait people to argue with you.  And you do cry like a victim when someone calls you out or calls you a pr!ck.  If you don't want to be called a pr!ck then don't be one.  

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1 minute ago, BrahmaBulls said:

You have zero self-awareness at all.  90% of two different forums think you're a clown poster.  You just throw out wild ass thoughts as if they're fact and then bait people to argue with you.  And you do cry like a victim when someone calls you out or calls you a pr!ck.  If you don't want to be called a pr!ck then don't be one.  

90% of two forums: total bullsh!t. More like an about a dozen posters, the same dudes on both sites. Most of them spend most of their time doling out personal insults like yourself. 

It is YOU who should spend some time being self-aware. As I wrote all you do is insult people. You never offer a real argument or even a real thought. I have no idea why you contribute to this forum. You don’t even bother to troll wittily- all you do is spend time calling people dumb names. No idea why that interests you. I guarantee you it doesn’t interest anyone else. 

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2 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

90% of two forums: total bullsh!t. More like an about a dozen posters, the same dudes on both sites. Most of them spend most of their time doling out personal insults like yourself. 

It is YOU who should spend some time being self-aware. As I wrote all you do is insult people. You never offer a real argument or even a real thought. I have no idea why you contribute to this forum. You don’t even bother to troll wittily- all you do is spend time calling people dumb names. No idea why that interests you. I guarantee you it doesn’t interest anyone else. 

What do you want to debate?  We've pointed out MSM lies to you for a decade and you still arrogantly come around acting as if they get the final say on everything.  GFY is quite appropriate for you.

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5 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

What do you want to debate?  We've pointed out MSM lies to you for a decade and you still arrogantly come around acting as if they get the final say on everything.  GFY is quite appropriate for you.

At this point I have no interest in debating you. If you come up with a reasonable response to something I wrote, for once without any insults, I will engage with you. If not, not. I don’t especially care. 

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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

At this point I have no interest in debating you. If you come up with a reasonable response to something I wrote, for once without any insults, I will engage with you. If not, not. I don’t especially care. 

Of course you won't because you don't debate people.  You throw wild ass claims out there as if they are facts and then just argue that everyone that disagrees with you is wrong.  Just as you've been proven to be a fool regarding the MSM over and over.  You've done this crap on two forums for over a decade.  No one liked you at FBG and they don't like you here.  Your life literally depends on arguing politics on the internet.  

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And they get triggered when I question their masculinity.  Or lack thereof.  

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Just now, t.j. booker said:


Sorry man.  I did my part.  The good news is the Golden Corral is open right now and that chocolate fountain is calling your name.

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Most insults are over politics. It used to not be this bad because 99% of people here held similar core beliefs, and Cons and Libs weren’t that far away.  You can thank the left for going full tilt libtard and pushing the mainstream center way too far left.  It would help tremendously if they could be reeled in.  Society overall would be better for it.

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7 hours ago, t.j. booker said:

My fellow Geeks.

When I saw Mike’s warning this week I got to thinking about what we could all do lower the temperature around here. While there are many areas for improvement, like no more personal attacks and threats of violence, I thought a simple quick win would be kinder emoji usage.

Over the last few years I’ve noticed some mean spirited and irresponsible use of emojis, like sobby sad face emoji, confusedy face emoji, and sarcastic use of laughy faced emoji, like the way Gloria laughed when I caught her in bed the first time with Lamar.

It is unkind. It is hurtful. And it has to stop. 🛑 

My modest proposal is for kinder, gentler, and more respectful emoji usage. So the next time you’re going to put a confusedy face or sobby sadface on a fellow Geek’s post, as yourself: How would this make TJ Booker feel? Then “turn that frown upside down” and click the smiley happedy face or the hearty likeface emoji instead.

Like and subscribe if you’re with me! 

Thanks TJ Booker. I hope you and Gloria are doing well. Did you find a job yet?

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3 hours ago, Strike said:

Sorry man.  I did my part.  The good news is the Golden Corral is open right now and that chocolate fountain is calling your name.

Except Gloria went back for seconds of 🍆

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4 hours ago, TimHauck said:

Wait, the OP wasn’t sarcasm?  

teej only ever tells it like it is :thumbsup:

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7 hours ago, supermike80 said:

Its because youre not liked. At all.  You brought this on yourself

He brings a thoughtful, respectful and contemplative viewpoint to the board. He is liked and should be respected. 

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6 hours ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Lowering the temperature at the Geek Club

Lower the temp of my balls! 

Wouldn't take long, thanks to their size.


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4 hours ago, IndyColtsFan said:

He brings a thoughtful, respectful and contemplative viewpoint to the board. He is liked and should be respected. 

Appreciate the kind words. I don’t take @supermike80 or @Brahma Bulls very seriously. (Though @supermike80 at least makes thoughtful posts at times, just usually not about me, lol.) 

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Weepaws is a huge name caller and personal attacker.

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6 hours ago, IndyColtsFan said:


Men can have babies, pew pew, Party of Science 🎉 

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2 hours ago, Cloaca du jour said:

Weepaws is a huge name caller and personal attacker.

God’s Truth does make one feel that way.  Amen 


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