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Kamala Harris for President thread

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

All of the comments about Kamala I’ve read in the last 24 hours on this website and from conservatives elsewhere- you can forget all of it. It’s meaningless. She gave the best political speech I’ve heard since Obama in his heyday- it actually reminded me of Ronald Reagan. Smart, cheerful, optimistic, incisive, and deadly critical of Trump. I don’t know how he’s going to handle her. I don’t think he can. 

He'll come up with some nickname he thinks is clever, and his supporters will eat it up and find it funny. 

Trump now is the oldest person to ever run for president, so the age question shifts to him, as does the focus on what he says. 

We are just beginning to see what appears to be a very good presidential candidate in Harris, her cheerfulness and her smiles, particularly when she's sticking it to Trump like she did in her speech. 

She's quickly garnering the black vote, the women vote and perhaps even the young-adult vote. 

What a remarkable turnabout in a presidential campaign.

Can't wait to see whom she picks as a running mate.

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It’s not racist to say this.  It’s a simple fact.  And facts, as they say, are stubborn things…

But the truth is, if Harris were white and male, she wouldn't be vice president. Because Harris is our first diversity hire V.P.

This was never a secret, or even an issue. Then-candidate Joe Biden was very explicit about his plans to pick a woman of color to share the ticket. After it became clear that Biden was to be the Democrats' nominee for president in 2020, Biden said during a CNN-Univision debate, "If I'm elected president, my Cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president." In a separate press conference, this one a roundtable with Black journalists, Biden was even more specific: "Preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender," he said of his potential running mate.

From the get go, the plan was to pick a woman of color. Not the most competent person, or the most liked, but someone who simply won the "by birth" lottery. A man of Joe Biden's age and dwindling health decided that what America needed was for us to be one heartbeat away from our first diversity hire President of the United States.

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Let's see...in one thread we are being told that "she ain't black" yet now the narrative is that Kamala was a DEI hire as VP.

So, she is a racial minority when it only reinforces your talking points. Got it. 




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44 minutes ago, shorepatrol said:

So FJB isn't stepping down from being president but pulls out of the race and bypasses democracy to hand the nomination to cameltoe. These cuntz  are insane 

It’s HILARIOUS when they accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy.  It was the Democrats who rigged the 2016 Primary process and focked Bernie.  It was the Democrats who changed election rules in blue states like PA in 2020.  And in 2024 it’s the Democrats who, when confronted with the reality that Biden couldn’t beat Trump, forced him out and anointed Kameltoe as the nominee, without her ever winning a single delegate.  EVER.  They literally interfere in every focking election.

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1 minute ago, Patented Phil said:

It’s HILARIOUS when they accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy.  They rigged the 2016 Primary process and focked Bernie.  Then they changed election rules in a biased manner in 2020.  Now they are anointing Kameltoe as the nominee without having a single vote.  They literally interfere in every focking election.

That's what fascists do.  

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1 hour ago, zsasz said:

Fake News. Nice try,...Chump.  

Thanks Whoopi.

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I might need to change this to Kamala is the President thread. 

Lotta smoke out there.

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1 hour ago, Patented Phil said:


It’s not racist to say this.  It’s a simple fact.  And facts, as they say, are stubborn things…

But the truth is, if Harris were white and male, she wouldn't be vice president. Because Harris is our first diversity hire V.P.

This was never a secret, or even an issue. Then-candidate Joe Biden was very explicit about his plans to pick a woman of color to share the ticket. After it became clear that Biden was to be the Democrats' nominee for president in 2020, Biden said during a CNN-Univision debate, "If I'm elected president, my Cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president." In a separate press conference, this one a roundtable with Black journalists, Biden was even more specific: "Preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender," he said of his potential running mate.

From the get go, the plan was to pick a woman of color. Not the most competent person, or the most liked, but someone who simply won the "by birth" lottery. A man of Joe Biden's age and dwindling health decided that what America needed was for us to be one heartbeat away from our first diversity hire President of the United States.

You feel that way about Amy Coney Barrett?  

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......or, Obama has been the President thread. Who are we kidding here? Old Sharty hasn't been in control of anything, much less his bowels.

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Harris now has more than enough delegates pledged to her to secure the nomination.

The only ones complaining about that are Republicans. No one on my side of the fence is complaining about their primary vote going to waste.

This is an unprecedented political development. 

We've never seen this kind of rallying around a candidate. 

This election has gotten fun and hopefully will mean the political end of Donald J. Trump.

Independents have found their candidate.

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11 minutes ago, zsasz said:

You feel that way about Amy Coney Barrett?  

I hated that Trump “called his shot” so to speak, yes.  But she was probably the best person for the job, regardless of her gash.  Kamala - not so much.

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3 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

See none of this is going to work. If Trump and conservatives attack Kamala over what she should have or might have known about Biden, it’s only going to garner sympathy for her and dislike for Trump for being so ugly. Also, given Trump’s own cognitive problems, it’s a very high risk play. As for her record, everybody knows that VPs do very little and nobody will be impressed by any attack over that. Her current popularity ratings are based on Joe Biden- and they’re completely irrelevant after the last 24 hours. 
Finally, calling her a Marxist pawn may play in MAGA country but for most of the public it looks foolish and extreme. The fact is that as both an attorney general and Senator she was centrist, tougher on crime than most liberals, and pro-business. You’ll have to try something else. 

It’s laughable to watch a self proclaimed political historian/guru be so wrong.  Harris centrist in the Senate?  Are you on crack? 

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2 minutes ago, Fireballer said:

It’s laughable to watch a self proclaimed political historian/guru be so wrong.  Harris centrist in the Senate?  Are you on crack? 

That’s just flat out wrong.  I’ve seen credible rankings of her as the most Liberal Senator.

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2 hours ago, FrancieFootball said:

He'll come up with some nickname he thinks is clever, and his supporters will eat it up and find it funny. 

Trump now is the oldest person to ever run for president, so the age question shifts to him, as does the focus on what he says. 

We are just beginning to see what appears to be a very good presidential candidate in Harris, her cheerfulness and her smiles, particularly when she's sticking it to Trump like she did in her speech. 

She's quickly garnering the black vote, the women vote and perhaps even the young-adult vote. 

What a remarkable turnabout in a presidential campaign.

Can't wait to see whom she picks as a running mate.

Wiil he be more creative than using Clownzo?

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I’ll say this about Kameltoe - she had a tremendous day today.  Have to be fair about that.  She raised 81 million, pulled in all the state delegates, consolidated her power (without Obama’s endorsement by the way) and gave a great speech (with the some nice background music by Biden).

Won’t last long though.  A leopard can’t change its spots.  She’s an inauthentic, condescending, compulsive liar who treats her own staff like .  I’ll go with the “who would Americans rather have a beer with?” Presidential test.

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3 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

See none of this is going to work. If Trump and conservatives attack Kamala over what she should have or might have known about Biden, it’s only going to garner sympathy for her and dislike for Trump for being so ugly. Also, given Trump’s own cognitive problems, it’s a very high risk play. As for her record, everybody knows that VPs do very little and nobody will be impressed by any attack over that. Her current popularity ratings are based on Joe Biden- and they’re completely irrelevant after the last 24 hours. 
Finally, calling her a Marxist pawn may play in MAGA country but for most of the public it looks foolish and extreme. The fact is that as both an attorney general and Senator she was centrist, tougher on crime than most liberals, and pro-business. You’ll have to try something else. 

Wrong.  Ranked most leftist Senator:


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7 hours ago, Shooter McGavin said:

Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.  My man John Keats said that.  John Keats... that's my man.

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2 minutes ago, BrahmaBulls said:

Wiil he be more creative than using Clownzo?

It will be childish and ineffective.

It's game over for DJT, and he'll just become more desperate, unglued and bizarre the closer we get to election day.


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12 minutes ago, FrancieFootball said:

Harris now has more than enough delegates pledged to her to secure the nomination.

The only ones complaining about that are Republicans. No one on my side of the fence is complaining about their primary vote going to waste.

This is an unprecedented political development. 

We've never seen this kind of rallying around a candidate. 

This election has gotten fun and hopefully will mean the political end of Donald J. Trump.

Independents have found their candidate.

None on your side huh?


I guess we know what happened to GutterBoy now

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The Republicans can't be more happy. Kamala was the first one out of the last primary. She is responsible for the state of our country right now. 

And that is not good. If you are being honest of course.

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2 minutes ago, JuneJuly said:

None on your side huh?


I guess we know what happened to GutterBoy now

Oh, please. 

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4 minutes ago, LaChup said:

The Republicans can't be more happy. Kamala was the first one out of the last primary. She is responsible for the state of our country right now. 

And that is not good. If you are being honest of course.

Latest Quinnipiac poll has Trump winning Independents over Harris 55-41.

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2 minutes ago, LaChup said:

The Republicans can't be more happy. Kamala was the first one out of the last primary. She is responsible for the state of our country right now. 

And that is not good. If you are being honest of course.

The state of our country being record-low unemployment, higher wagers, a record-setting stock market, retirement assets growing and inflation slowing, among other things.

What she did before in the primary is irrelevant. 

Republicans should be very worried, but I'll enjoy them making petty remarks about Harris, embracing their short-lived happiness and thinking they have this election in the bag.


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Higher gas prices, higher interest rates, higher groceries, higher cost of living, higher crime, higher illegal entries, yada, yada, yada.

You give me a $1 pay increase, but the cost of living is +$4, who gives an absolute shiite. You are delusional.

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2 hours ago, FrancieFootball said:

He'll come up with some nickname he thinks is clever, and his supporters will eat it up and find it funny. 

Trump now is the oldest person to ever run for president, so the age question shifts to him, as does the focus on what he says. 

We are just beginning to see what appears to be a very good presidential candidate in Harris, her cheerfulness and her smiles, particularly when she's sticking it to Trump like she did in her speech. 

She's quickly garnering the black vote, the women vote and perhaps even the young-adult vote. 

What a remarkable turnabout in a presidential campaign.

Can't wait to see whom she picks as a running mate.

Perhaps George clooney is available.

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12 minutes ago, LaChup said:

Higher gas prices, higher interest rates, higher groceries, higher cost of living, higher crime, higher illegal entries, yada, yada, yada.

You give me a $1 pay increase, but the cost of living is +$4, who gives an absolute shiite. You are delusional.

Gas prices have come way down. 


Mortgage rates have come down.


Illegal entries have dropped.


It's amazing to me how someone's political passions result in them latching onto outdated negative data that fuels their paradigms.

And if you only got a $1 pay increase, perhaps you should find a new career field.

My partner and I are way better off than we were four years ago. We got the heck out of California and have made a great home in Texas, although the state government needs some work.


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The politicians decide to insult us once again by doing their jobs come election season just to show us that they can but choose not to, and Rusty here thinks it's something to celebrate.

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3 minutes ago, FrancieFootball said:

Gas prices have come way down. 


Mortgage rates have come down.


Illegal entries have dropped.


It's amazing to me how someone's political passions result in them latching onto outdated negative data that fuels their paradigms.

And if you only got a $1 pay increase, perhaps you should find a new career field.

My partner and I are way better off than we were four years ago. We got the heck out of California and have made a great home in Texas, although the state government needs some work.


You are thriving. Ask your wife!

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🤣BTW.....you had to move from your preferred state to see a difference. Congratulations inland kook! Thanks for making my point!

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7 minutes ago, LaChup said:

You are thriving. Ask your wife!

I don't need to ask anyone. I can look at my investments and what I'm paying at the pump to feel thriving. Interest rates are a bit high but not nearly as bad as they have been at certain points in the past. I can afford the groceries and everyday household expenses. 

At this point, the desperate Republican straw-grasping has become quite entertaining and likely will remain so for the forseeable future.

Love always wins, and the Republican hate for its opposition will serve as an Achilles heel and its undoing, because hate instead of ideas to solve problems serves as the predominate platform.

Sad to see this, but oh well. 


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Good job whitey! You are indeed thriving compared to 4 years ago.





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5 min ago

Harris celebrates securing support needed to become Democratic nominee

From CNN's Sam Fossum

Vice President Kamala Harris has celebrated securing enough delegate endorsements to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

“Tonight, I am proud to have secured the broad support needed to become our party’s nominee, and as a daughter of California, I am proud that my home state’s delegation helped put our campaign over the top. I look forward to formally accepting the nomination soon,” she wrote in a statement sent by her campaign. 

Harris pledged to bring the fight to Donald Trump. 

“Over the next few months, I will be traveling across the country talking to Americans about everything that is on the line. I fully intend to unite our party, unite our nation, and defeat Donald Trump in November,” she said ahead of her first campaign rally for her new bid to beat the former president.





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8 minutes ago, LaChup said:

🤣BTW.....you had to move from your preferred state to see a difference. Congratulations inland kook! Thanks for making my point!

We sold our modest home for a price that gave us the profits to pay cash for an incredible Texas home in a great school district.

Not sure what you're talking about with this "inland" stuff. Both Texas and California have ocean coasts.

Check it out on a map. Knowledge!


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3 minutes ago, LaChup said:

Good job whitey! You are indeed thriving compared to 4 years ago.





If you're not better off than you were four years ago, that's on you, sir. 


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Willie definitely had a "longer" lasting effect, if I had to guess.

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