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Kamala Harris for President thread

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3 minutes ago, HellToupee said:

Trump & Stormy vs Kamala & Willie

Yeah, Stormy made Trump.

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7 hours ago, FrancieFootball said:

Gas prices have come way down. 


Mortgage rates have come down.


Illegal entries have dropped.


It's amazing to me how someone's political passions result in them latching onto outdated negative data that fuels their paradigms.

And if you only got a $1 pay increase, perhaps you should find a new career field.

My partner and I are way better off than we were four years ago. We got the heck out of California and have made a great home in Texas, although the state government needs some work.


Amazing how everything is up under the Dems for 4 years and comes down right for the election.  No one is forgetting the last four years.

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She's doing a good job of getting Trump and MAGA on Tilt.  Reason enough to vote for her.

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33 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

230 million in one day for Kamala.


Has to be fake. And by fake mega-donors are giving more than they are allowed to.

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4 hours ago, BrahmaBulls said:

Amazing how everything is up under the Dems for 4 years and comes down right for the election.  No one is forgetting the last four years.

More silly conspiracy theories. One could say the same thing about gas prices in 2020. 

The reality is that presidents and their administrations have little to no effect on such things, but worldwide pandemics do.

During the past four years, issues such as inflation, gas prices and illegal immigration have been addressed. A landmark infrastructure bill passed. We've strengthened ties with our allies and have kept tyranny in check.

Biden already has been framed as one of our best presidents while Trump continues to clock in at or near dead last.

We are way better off now than we were four years ago.

Watching the Trumpers sputter and flail in the rise of Kamala Harris has been quite entertaining, to say the least, particularly considering that they have to go back to when she was 27 years old to find something to mock, and even then she wasn't doing anything illegal or immoral. 

Meanwhile, her opponent is an old rapist and convicted felon who talks big talk and spreads big hate and lies but does little in the way of offering up solutions while convincing his followers that they're worse off than they were four years ago, despite the Dow setting records and being more than double what it was in early 2020.

But let's see if he's got the stones to face Harris in a debate.

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2 hours ago, thegeneral said:

230 million in one day for Kamala.


Source? Can’t find it on the google. 

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1 minute ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Source? Can’t find it on the google. 

Some link on Drudge this morn.

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1 minute ago, thegeneral said:

Some link on Drudge this morn.

I looked there.  Didn’t see it. Besides, it’s implausible and only an idiot would believe it.  

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18 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

All of the comments about Kamala I’ve read in the last 24 hours on this website and from conservatives elsewhere- you can forget all of it. It’s meaningless. She gave the best political speech I’ve heard since Obama in his heyday- it actually reminded me of Ronald Reagan. Smart, cheerful, optimistic, incisive, and deadly critical of Trump. I don’t know how he’s going to handle her. I don’t think he can. 

Are you talking about the one at campaign HQ? It was fine but I hope she can improve upon it over the next couple months

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Why isn’t she president now? Aren’t you cuckies anxious to see what can be by being unburdened by what has been? 

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4 hours ago, thegeneral said:

230 million in one day for Kamala.


Was it for Kamala or against Trump.  I submit she is simply any democrat and any democrat was going to recieve enthusiastic support.

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Hey gang, know that rule in California about not charging for theft on amounts up to 950 dollars? Guess who? Kamala, that’s who! 

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47 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

Was it for Kamala or against Trump.  I submit she is simply any democrat and any democrat was going to recieve enthusiastic support.

Trump is the best fundraiser for the Dems. 

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The question is not if Kamala Harris is ready for the Presidency- she clearly is. The question is: is America ready for Kamala Harris?  We have such a long history of racism and misogyny we might not be willing to accept a woman of color as President. Have we grown enough, are we mature enough to do so? Time will tell.     

  • Haha 6

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6 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

The question is not if Kamala Harris is ready for the Presidency- she clearly is. The question is: is America ready for Kamala Harris?  We have such a long history of racism and misogyny we might not be willing to accept a woman of color as President. Have we grown enough, are we mature enough to do so? Time will tell.     


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9 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

The question is not if Kamala Harris is ready for the Presidency- she clearly is. The question is: is America ready for Kamala Harris?  We have such a long history of racism and misogyny we might not be willing to accept a woman of color as President. Have we grown enough, are we mature enough to do so? Time will tell.     

What does her color/ gender have to do with it? Obama won twice and she received the most votes in history for a VP. Hillary won the popular vote by a good margin.  The votes are there to be had, so please stop with your divisive rhetoric. It’s hurting our country.  

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3 hours ago, FrancieFootball said:


During the past four years, issues such as inflation, gas prices and illegal immigration have been addressed. A landmark infrastructure bill passed. We've strengthened ties with our allies and have kept tyranny in check.


The only thing tangible in there is an infrastructure bill being passed.

Inflation was addressed.  How?  What specifically did the administration do?  I know the Fed raised rates in order to stem inflation that was caused by irresponsible spending by this administration.  But the Fed by definition is independent from the administration.

Gas prices were addressed?  How?  What specifically did the administration do?  I know prices are still quite high, and they magically came down for election season, but of course they're going right back up after the election.

Illegal immigration was addressed?  You can't be serious.  The southern border is a sieve.  What did they do?

Strengthened ties with our allies?  That's a meaningless statement.  How do you even measure how strong our ties are with our allies?  And does it mean our allies are going to actually pull their weight?  

Kept tyranny in check?  That's even more meaningless.  We're supposed to give the administration credit for what?  Not becoming tyrants?  


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1 hour ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Hey gang, know that rule in California about not charging for theft on amounts up to 950 dollars? Guess who? Kamala, that’s who! 

Guess who??? What are you trying to say here?  

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2 hours ago, Engorgeous George said:

Was it for Kamala or against Trump.  I submit she is simply any democrat and any democrat was going to recieve enthusiastic support.

yep, no one was praising Kamala over the last 3 years.   No one.  she was an embarrassment they tried to keep under the radar with a few school appearances and the like.  Now she is Abe Lincoln in a pantsuit.   Greatest mind, grace & stature out there.  The main stream media are nothing but whores peddling their opinions as fact.

Such nonsense and the left is eating it up for Kamala regardless of what they have seen & known of her the last 3 1/2 years.

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

The question is not if Kamala Harris is ready for the Presidency- she clearly is. The question is: is America ready for Kamala Harris?  We have such a long history of racism and misogyny we might not be willing to accept a woman of color as President. Have we grown enough, are we mature enough to do so? Time will tell.     

No, women aren't leaders. 😁

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2 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

What does her color/ gender have to do with it? Obama won twice and she received the most votes in history for a VP. Hillary won the popular vote by a good margin.  The votes are there to be had, so please stop with your divisive rhetoric. It’s hurting our country.  

Yup. According to good ol Timmy, the only reason shed lose is cause of racism.  

Dont forget he said anyone that voted for trump in 2020 was automatically a racist.

Hes definitely all about unity

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

The question is not if Kamala Harris is ready for the Presidency- she clearly is. The question is: is America ready for Kamala Harris?  We have such a long history of racism and misogyny we might not be willing to accept a woman of color as President. Have we grown enough, are we mature enough to do so? Time will tell.     

You know it's okay to say. The dems are throwing this one away. They screwed up with Biden and are throwing Kamla to the wolves. You don't have to lick every boot that steps on your face.

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2 minutes ago, supermike80 said:

Yup. According to good ol Timmy, the only reason shed lose is cause of racism.  

Dont forget he said anyone that voted for trump in 2020 was automatically a racist.

Hes definitely all about unity

She couldn't even get 1% of the Dem primary vote. Now... we know democrats are full of racist low IQ mouth breathers but that's expected. I suspect she will do better in the general election.

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2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

The question is not if Kamala Harris is ready for the Presidency- she clearly is. The question is: is America ready for Kamala Harris?  We have such a long history of racism and misogyny we might not be willing to accept a woman of color as President. Have we grown enough, are we mature enough to do so? Time will tell.     

The NY Times (that paper you love) had 8 analysts/writers rate the chances of a bunch of potential Biden replacements' chances to beat Trump.  Kameltoe came in LAST.  The NY Times is RACCCCISSSSSSSSSTTTTTT!!!!!

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28 minutes ago, Cdub100 said:

You know it's okay to say. The dems are throwing this one away. They screwed up with Biden and are throwing Kamla to the wolves. You don't have to lick every boot that steps on your face.

There are only 2 options here.

1. They have a new foolproof way to cheat to win another election and since she will just be a figurehead like biden and either obama or pelosi will be running the country, they are fine with her as the nominee. 

2. They have realized that they screwed up using Ka-Mall-Uhhhh as a poison pill vs a Biden impeachment. They cannot give the nod to someone else now so they are just going to sacrifice 2024 and after she loses say "go away Ka-Mall-uhhh, you lost this race and you don't get a 2nd chance."

Her being a legit viable candidate in not in play. She's a retard.

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4 minutes ago, lod001 said:

There are only 2 options here.

1. They have a new foolproof way to cheat to win another election and since she will just be a figurehead like biden and either obama or pelosi will be running the country, they are fine with her as the nominee. 

2. They have realized that they screwed up using Ka-Mall-Uhhhh as a poison pill vs a Biden impeachment. They cannot give the nod to someone else now so they are just going to sacrifice 2024 and after she loses say "go away Ka-Mall-uhhh, you lost this race and you don't get a 2nd chance."

Her being a legit viable candidate in not in play. She's a retard.

She 100% is - that is not debatable.  But that doesn't matter - liberal sheep will do what they're told, no questions asked.  

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10 minutes ago, lod001 said:

There are only 2 options here.

1. They have a new foolproof way to cheat to win another election and since she will just be a figurehead like biden and either obama or pelosi will be running the country, they are fine with her as the nominee. 

2. They have realized that they screwed up using Ka-Mall-Uhhhh as a poison pill vs a Biden impeachment. They cannot give the nod to someone else now so they are just going to sacrifice 2024 and after she loses say "go away Ka-Mall-uhhh, you lost this race and you don't get a 2nd chance."

Her being a legit viable candidate in not in play. She's a retard.

I actually think it's both. They know they screwed up, but realize she can be another figurehead. Nobody likes her. Not even her own party, but she can be president if she does what she's told. So they screwed up, but intend to cheat again. 


Let Trump be president and  try and win a majority in the house and Senate through cheating. While he's bringing world peace for a second time, crash the US economy and blame it all on him. He's a lame-duck president. He won't be able to get anything done and the Dems can say SEE what a terrible president he is.

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39 minutes ago, Fireballer said:

The excitement is “off the charts” as Tim says.


To be fair, Tim and a few others are acting like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert.  They're totally hysterical and not really thinking straight.  I'm guessing Tim and his cronies probably threw their panties at the TV as an orgasmic response when Harris showed up on it.

You can't take them seriously.  Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

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46 minutes ago, Fireballer said:

The excitement is “off the charts” as Tim says.


This is hilarious.  The people that know Kamala the best can’t stand her.  So much excitement…. 🤪 

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1 hour ago, Fireballer said:

The excitement is “off the charts” as Tim says.


The process has played out... Grassroots? 

WTF is he talking about? What process? What is the grassroots effort?

Can one of the mentally ill people explain this to me? Because you have to be retarded to believe a single word out of his Jew mouth.


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