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Was Hitler really that bad of a person?

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Dude brought us one of the great mustaches of all time. 

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He liked animals and passed the Under the Animal Protection Act, it was forbidden to mistreat or handle animals in any way that would harm them. Force-feeding fowl was banned, and the law also provided protection to animals in circuses and zoos.

So, really how bad could he have been? 

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Just now, Mike Honcho said:

He liked animals and passed the Under the Animal Protection Act, it was forbidden to mistreat or handle animals in any way that would harm them. Force-feeding fowl was banned, and the law also provided protection to animals in circuses and zoos.

So, really how bad could he have been? 

Also, if I ever run for office like ~stick, the above post is the first one I'm deleting. 

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He also made the trains run on time.

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4 minutes ago, Mike Honcho said:

He liked animals and passed the Under the Animal Protection Act, it was forbidden to mistreat or handle animals in any way that would harm them. Force-feeding fowl was banned, and the law also provided protection to animals in circuses and zoos.

So, really how bad could he have been? 

I am watching a documentary on Hitler on Amazon.

My 11 year old says “what are you watching” I said a documentary on Hitler, I find this stuff very interesting and it was a very important time in our history. He replies with “yeah because you’re older than Hitler”. :lol:

also I am WFH 🧑💻 

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2 minutes ago, Mike Honcho said:

Also, if I ever run for office like ~stick, the above post is the first one I'm deleting. 

I always brag that I have no social media footprint and then I remember this place :doh:

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I did Nazi that coming. 

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15 minutes ago, MDC said:

He also made the trains run on time.

No, that was Mussolini. 

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Didn't Trump say in one of his speeches say that Hitler did a lot of good things for Germany (or something to that effect)?

Yeah, he did (see the Autobahn among other accomplishments) but that is kinda negated by all the folks killed in WW2, not to mention that Holocaust thingy. 

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In reality, Stalin was much, much worse.

If you're going off body counts, Stalin killed about 10-15 times as many people as Hitler did.  In fact, Communism/Marxism/Socialism just in the 20th century alone has killed far, far more people than anything on the right side of the aisle has done.  Add in Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and numerous other lefties and it simply becomes absurd how much carnage they left behind.

It's all bad, however, whether the death happens on either side but the focus on of the left on "OMG!  FASCISM!" is simply a distraction away from the fact that their side of the aisle is much more willing to put more people to the sword for not bending the knee to the dogma.

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11 minutes ago, squistion said:

No, that was Mussolini. 

Now I feel silly for admiring Hitler.

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I saw an Instagram post that asked to name someone in history that had been labeled a bad guy that you didn’t think was actually bad. His name was most popular in the comments.

 People are really racist and ignorant. 

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4 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

In reality, Stalin was much, much worse.

If you're going off body counts, Stalin killed about 10-15 times as many people as Hitler did.  In fact, Communism/Marxism/Socialism just in the 20th century alone has killed far, far more people than anything on the right side of the aisle has done.  Add in Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and numerous other lefties and the it's simply becomes absurd how much carnage they left behind.

It's all bad, however, whether the death happens on either side but the focus on of the left on "OMG!  FASCISM!" is simply a distraction away from the fact that their side of the aisle is much more willing to put more people to the sword for not bending the knee to the dogma.

The Clintons killed more than both combined

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2 minutes ago, edjr said:

The Clintons killed more than both combined

Who do you think Stalin, Mao and all the others were talking orders from?  :lol:

The one saying that will almost certainly get you killed is "I'm friends with Bill and Hillary.".

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1 hour ago, edjr said:

Dude brought us one of the great mustaches of all time. 

Pictures of your Hitler-stash?

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36 minutes ago, squistion said:

Didn't Trump say in one of his speeches say that Hitler did a lot of good things for Germany (or something to that effect)?

Yeah, he did (see the Autobahn among other accomplishments) but that is kinda negated by all the folks killed in WW2, not to mention that Holocaust thingy. 

That was Marge Schott...

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4 minutes ago, Strike said:

Pictures of your Hitler-stash?

too thin and blonde

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1 hour ago, Mike Honcho said:

He liked animals and passed the Under the Animal Protection Act, it was forbidden to mistreat or handle animals in any way that would harm them. Force-feeding fowl was banned, and the law also provided protection to animals in circuses and zoos.

So, really how bad could he have been? 

He also did and acted exactly like the democrat party :lol: 

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10 minutes ago, posty said:

That was Marge Schott...

Her, too but I thought I heard some similar praise from Trump, but I could be mistaken. 

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I love when people try to put Hitler and the Nazis on the far Right.  It’s nonsense.

Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist "exploitation" by capitalists, particularly Jewish capitalists. Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion, and they denounced Christians as right-wing fanatics.

Hitler’s own words during a speech in 1927:  "We are socialists. We are the enemies of today's capitalist system of exploitation ... and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

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He was but was he the worst? I would argue that Leopold of Belgium was the worst person in history. 

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11 minutes ago, Patented Phil said:

I love when people try to put Hitler and the Nazis on the far Right.  It’s nonsense.

Hitler preached class warfare, agitating the working class to resist "exploitation" by capitalists, particularly Jewish capitalists. Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion, and they denounced Christians as right-wing fanatics.

Hitler’s own words during a speech in 1927:  "We are socialists. We are the enemies of today's capitalist system of exploitation ... and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."

That’s why my response to him was literally “he also did & acted exactly like the democrat party” because it is TRUE :lol: The far left can deny it all they want & try to deflect from it but it doesn’t change facts. And we all know how the left feels about facts (they hate them). You outlined it pretty clearly yet I guarantee they’ll either

A: ignore it completely

or B: try to deflect from it & claim “something something Trump bad man!” 🤣

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1 hour ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

In reality, Stalin was much, much worse.

If you're going off body counts, Stalin killed about 10-15 times as many people as Hitler did.  In fact, Communism/Marxism/Socialism just in the 20th century alone has killed far, far more people than anything on the right side of the aisle has done.  Add in Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and numerous other lefties and it simply becomes absurd how much carnage they left behind.

It's all bad, however, whether the death happens on either side but the focus on of the left on "OMG!  FASCISM!" is simply a distraction away from the fact that their side of the aisle is much more willing to put more people to the sword for not bending the knee to the dogma.

I’m certainly no defender of Stalin, but you’re incorrect.

Hitler was not only responsible for the jewish holocaust, but also directly responsible for instigating WWII which led to at least 60,00,000 deaths with some people claiming as many as 75,000,000.  The holocaust stands out among other genocides in history for the systematic and industrial manner in which it was carried out, among other reasons.

What I find interesting is discussions about the Treaty of Versailles and the role it played creating the conditions for someone like Hitler to thrive and rise to power.

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1 hour ago, squistion said:

Didn't Trump say in one of his speeches say that Hitler did a lot of good things for Germany (or something to that effect)?

Yeah, he did (see the Autobahn among other accomplishments) but that is kinda negated by all the folks killed in WW2, not to mention that Holocaust thingy. 

You don't say.   That's epic level analysis right there.  Thank god you piped in.  🙄

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1 hour ago, peenie said:

I saw an Instagram post that asked to name someone in history that had been labeled a bad guy that you didn’t think was actually bad. His name was most popular in the comments.

 People are really racist and ignorant. 

He's just Malcolm X with a military 

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another good thread goes down the political shithole

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12 minutes ago, Nomad99 said:

He was also responsible for Volkswagen. 

Are we putting that in the good or bad category? 

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33 minutes ago, Mike Honcho said:

Are we putting that in the good or bad category? 


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Imagine if there hadn't been all the Jew hate. Millions could have helped with the war effort, in the factories and on the battlefields.

Imagine if Hitler had left Russia alone and gotten the Japanese to hold off on Pearl Harbor, focusing on fortifying Europe, defeating Great Britain and bringing along the jets, missiles and perhaps atomic weapons.

We would have been in quite a pickle had that happened.

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2 hours ago, supermike80 said:

You don't say.   That's epic level analysis right there.  Thank god you piped in.  🙄

I do say and I did, although I still think it was Trump that was giving praise to Germany under Hitler. 

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6 minutes ago, IndyColtsFan said:

Imagine if there hadn't been all the Jew hate. Millions could have helped with the war effort, in the factories and on the battlefields.

Imagine if Hitler had left Russia alone and gotten the Japanese to hold off on Pearl Harbor, focusing on fortifying Europe, defeating Great Britain and bringing along the jets, missiles and perhaps atomic weapons.

We would have been in quite a pickle had that happened.

Good post.  I’ve had some conversations surrounding this:  if Hitler had focused all resources on the war effort and postponed the attempted extermination of the Jews, Germany likely would have taken and held all of Europe including the UK and part of Russia.

Luckily for Europe, he didn’t have the foresight, self-control or humility to do that.

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3 hours ago, MLCKAA said:

I’m certainly no defender of Stalin, but you’re incorrect.

Hitler was not only responsible for the jewish holocaust, but also directly responsible for instigating WWII which led to at least 60,00,000 deaths with some people claiming as many as 75,000,000.  The holocaust stands out among other genocides in history for the systematic and industrial manner in which it was carried out, among other reasons.

What I find interesting is discussions about the Treaty of Versailles and the role it played creating the conditions for someone like Hitler to thrive and rise to power.

I think Russia had like 5-8 million WW2 losses.  The rest of his own people were killed outside of that by his orders unrelated to WW2.  Blaming all those other deaths on Hitler is simply not truthful.  If you look at the numbers of their own people killed as a result of FASCISM or COMMUNISM the numbers aren't even close.  Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and a host of others simply killed tens of millions of their own people accounting to probably well over 100 million total.

You're taking into account all other indirect deaths and attributing those to Hitler, which is incorrect.  If you're going to do that, then you need to account for all the other "indirect" deaths associated with those other leaders.  In fact, just doing a cursory search shows no such 60 or 75 million number for Hitler. 

And i agree, the way in which Hitler did it was deplorable, but on the sheer # of dead bodies alone, Communism/Socialism/Marxism killed far, far more.

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3 hours ago, IndyColtsFan said:

He invented World War II, so there's that.

Without WW 2 we wouldn't have had significant advancements in: 

Radar (including the advancement into meteorology) 

Microwave technology 

Computer technology (including computers that began being used for just general use) 

Medical and trauma treatments like blood transfusion, skin grafts, and using penicillin as a general antibiotic to the general public 

Science in aeronautics and the bomb (obvi) 

So, he didn't really "invent" the war but certainly drove us to it, and with that came along all of these advancements either by fault or by forcing us in these directions to beat the Axis forces. If we hadn't been driven to war, then were wouldn't have been forced to develop some of these things at such a fast pace, at least in my opinion. Can we credit him for the advances? Meh. I don't know. 


He also did get Time's Man of the Year. Soooo..... 

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3 minutes ago, TheNewGirl said:

 He also did get Time's Man of the Year. Soooo..... 

That was in 1938 before WW2 and not because they thought he was a cool guy or a good human being.


Fact Check: Time Magazine’s 1938 'Man of the Year' choice not a Hitler endorsement

Time Magazine’s designation of Adolf Hitler as “Man of the Year” for 1938 identified Hitler as “the newsmaker who most influenced world events for better or worse” and was not an endorsement, the magazine has repeatedly clarified, contrary to social media posts which allege this shows the publication is a “supporter” of genocide in the context of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

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58 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

I think Russia had like 5-8 million WW2 losses.  The rest of his own people were killed outside of that by his orders unrelated to WW2.  Blaming all those other deaths on Hitler is simply not truthful.  If you look at the numbers of their own people killed as a result of FASCISM or COMMUNISM the numbers aren't even close.  Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and a host of others simply killed tens of millions of their own people accounting to probably well over 100 million total.

You're taking into account all other indirect deaths and attributing those to Hitler, which is incorrect.  If you're going to do that, then you need to account for all the other "indirect" deaths associated with those other leaders.  In fact, just doing a cursory search shows no such 60 or 75 million number for Hitler. 

And i agree, the way in which Hitler did it was deplorable, but on the sheer # of dead bodies alone, Communism/Socialism/Marxism killed far, far more.

Dude, I was attributing the full WWII death toll to Hitler.  60-65 million is a widely accepted WWII death toll.

You must have thought I was referring to just the Russian WWII death toll.

Hitler was solely responsible for starting WWII and I attribute that entire body count to him.  That’s what I was saying.

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30 minutes ago, MLCKAA said:

Dude, I was attributing the full WWII death toll to Hitler.  60-65 million is a widely accepted WWII death toll.

You must have thought I was referring to just the Russian WWII death toll.

Hitler was solely responsible for starting WWII and I attribute that entire body count to him.  That’s what I was saying.

I see what you're saying, but that's not at all what I was referring to when I made the post I made.  These are targeted, non-WW2 deaths.  Maybe I should have said "specifically", but even if we attribute all of those WW2 deaths to Hitler, that's as many as Stalin killed in non-WW2 deaths of his own people, and that doesn't include the almost non-WW2 80 million Mao killed.

All I'm saying is that for as terrible as people make out Hitler to be, we have to remember that Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot among others dwarfed him.  They're all terrible and instead of making comparisons to Hitler, we should be comparing terrible people to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol-Pot, Castro, etc...

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6 hours ago, edjr said:

Dude brought us one of the great mustaches of all time. 

Well, he was able to keep a job. :dunno:


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