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Chances Earth are destroyed now up to 3.1%

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If the earth is flat, like some believe, we can easily fix this.  We have to coordinate the entire nation to all run the same direction and then stop abruptly.  It works with sliding a rug over.  Just need to scootch the earth over a bit and we're in the clear.

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They've been working on the ability to alter a meteorite's course, so I'm guessing this will give them the boost in funding they want, whoever they is. 

If this calculation is correct, 3.1% is a very very very high chance considering the result if it impacts Earth.

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Just now, The Elevator Killer said:

It's not an Earth killer, it's a city killer. Now we just have to guide it to the right city. 

Let's start in LA 

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1 minute ago, The Elevator Killer said:

It's not an Earth killer, it's a city killer. Now we just have to guide it to the right city. 

But scientists claim a meteorite wiped out all of the dinosaurs. If that's correct, wouldn't this meteorite wipe out all humans and large animals? Or is this meteorite smaller in size then that one that hit in Mexico all those millions of years ago?

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3 minutes ago, The Elevator Killer said:

It's not an Earth killer, it's a city killer. Now we just have to guide it to the right city. 

Can we somehow guide it to WeePaws Trailer in Nevada? 


  • Haha 1

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6 minutes ago, Gepetto said:

But scientists claim a meteorite wiped out all of the dinosaurs. If that's correct, wouldn't this meteorite wipe out all humans and large animals? Or is this meteorite smaller in size then that one that hit in Mexico all those millions of years ago?

It's smaller. But it could put a hurting on Tehran. 

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I won a Super Bowl BOX and my odds were 1 in 100

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1 hour ago, TBayXXXVII said:

Does this coincide with AOC's 12 year's declaration?

Edit:  CLOSE!!!  In 2019 she said 12 years... 2032 will be 13.  Hmmm.... 🤔

She said, “The earth will be gone in, like, 12 years”.  So technically she’s spot-on.  Or, like, she always says like and she really meant 12 years exactly.

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Where's Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck when we need them? 

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1 hour ago, The Elevator Killer said:

It's not an Earth killer, it's a city killer. Now we just have to guide it to the right city. 

San Francisco or Philadelphia it is then. 

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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

Not really worried about an asteroid but it is concerning that Doge has basically suspended all NASA research projects. 

Yeah. Be scared of what the team is going to find out. Just like all the other liberal crooks. 

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I’d vote Portland or Seattle. Just get the Seahawks out of there. That would really mess up the schedule. 

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 They knew what were getting into. I say, let it crash.

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100% chance. earth will be destroyed 

2 Peter 3:10.  But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the Earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.  

Luke 12:49.  I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled.   Indeed Amen Thanks 

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I'm pretty sure that if an asteroid was going to plow into the earth that Elon would be able to save us.


Elon was sent by God to save the earth! 

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7 minutes ago, Mufaletta said:

Now down to 0.28%.

But it is definitely taking out the moon, which is bad news for surfers. 

I read earlier today that they had completely ruled out the possibility of hitting earth. Moon wasn't mentioned, though.

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